17- Movie Theater Date

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A week later

"Okay, I'll do that." Cas said, hanging up the phone, turning to look at Dean who was sitting on the couch.

"Who was that?" Dean asked.

"It was your doctors, they said that in a couple days I should help you try to regain the ability to walk."

"And that means...?"

"They told told me to basically hold you stable and try to hold you up and sorta walk, it should help you be able to walk right again and give your legs some exercise because sitting for weeks straight isn't ideal."

"Okay, I guess we should start that soon then."

"Yeah, but for now let's just watch the movie." Cas smiled down at him, sitting next to him.

"Sounds like a plan." Dean smiled back and made himself more comfortable.


"Sam!" Gabriel yelled. "Get out here or were gonna miss the movie!"

They had realised they hadn't been on a real date. The movie theater in their town was replaying the first Jurassic Park, so they decided to go there on a date.

Sam ran out the door, still messing with his belt and shoes only halfway on. He loved the movies and was in a rush because he hadn't woken up from his nap until ten minutes before they had to leave.

Gabe grabbed the keys from his pocket and unlocked the car doors, both of them getting inside, and he started the car. The engine roared to life and Sam closed his door before the car backed out of Bobby's driveway and they sped down the road.

Sam fixed his belt, looping it through correctly, put the rest if his shoe on, and ran a hand through his hair, attempting to somewhat fix the mess, as Gabriel drove down the street.

When they arrived, the rushed in the door, gave the employees their tickets and went down the hall, finding the room the movie was being played, and made it in just before the movie started and the last few ads were playing.

They sat around the back with their popcorn bucket and Gabe pulled out a ton of candy out of a hidden pocket in his hoodie. The movie candy was ridiculously over priced, and it wasn't that hard to sneak some candy in, so why pay 10 dollars for a tiny box of sour patch kids when you could bring in all the candy you want.

"Gabe!" Sam whisper-screamed, trying to avoid everyone's attention. "You can sneak in some candy, but do you really have to have five bags of it?"

"Of course I do! It wouldn't be fun without the sugar." Gabe smiled like a child, Sam just rolled his eyes and ignored it.

After they finished the movie, Gabe stuffed all the candy wrappers back into his pocket, and they left the building.

When they drove home, they packed up all their things from Bobby's house. They were going back to their dorms the next day.

Gabe almost immediately fell asleep, not having packed much, leaving Sam to do most of the work. He stuffed all of their clothes into a couple backpacks and had to sort though Gabes, taking the candy wrappers out and throwing them away.

Gabe was passed out on the couch, so Sam picked him up bridal style and carried him down the hall and into the room they were staying in, and set him gently on the bed then laid next to him, pulling the covers over them, and falling asleep in a matter of minutes.


The next day, when Dean woke up, Cas was gone. It sent him into a panic until he realised Cas had to work today. He calmed himself down, then realised he would probably have a hard time getting around.

He laid in bed for a bit, then crawled into the wheelchair as best he could. He was quite uncomfortable, but at least he was able to get in it himself.

Dean wheeled himself into the living room and crawled onto the couch, reaching out and grabbing a bag of chips off the small coffee table.

He couldn't get up and turn on the tv, so he found a random book and started reading it.

It was about a gay couple in the 1960s and it was really happy until one of them got drafted and had to go to war in Vietnam. He was really enjoying it so far. He had just finished the chapter where one of them got drafted. He enjoyed it, but it was kinda sad at the moment, but had hope for it to be happy again when he came back.

He wasn't very far into the chapter when Cas came in through to door.

"Hey angel." Dean smiled up.

"Hello Dean, did you have any trouble alone?" Cas asked.

"A little bit, but I was fine, just need some practice." Dean stated, Cas just smiled and sat down

"Whatcha reading?"

"I think it one of yours, it's called Only Fools Rush In."

"Be prepared for the worst, what chapter are you on?"


"It will just get worse from there." Cas said grimly.

"Well there goes my hope." Dean said, putting the book back down onto the coffee table and nuzzling his face into Cas' chest.


"Gabe! Get your lazy ass up!" Sam yelled at Gabe, who was just pulling the blankets more over his head. Sam grabbed the blanket and ripped it off of him. "We dont have time for this, get up!"

"Yeah yeah," Gabe mumbled, sitting up and rubbing at his eyes. "Just gimme a sec."

"Fine, just get dressed, I'll put the stuff in the car." Sam said, glancing at him, before walking out of the room.

When Gabe had gotten up and taken a shower, he walked out the door and sat down beside Sam on the hood of his car.

"C'mon, let's go." Sam said, opening the car door and getting in.


"Hey Dean?" Cas asked.

"Mhm?" He hummed.

"We should do that walking thing that the doctors told us to do."


Cas stood up, then grabbed underneath Dean's arms and helped him up. They did some walking for half an hour then sat back down and watched a movie.



Hope you enjoyed. Next chapter soon.

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