A/N- I Have An Idea

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So, hello people. I have an idea for another fanfic that I'd start writing after I finish this one(which I've been able to write much quicker than I thought)

Itd be called under the moonlight. This one would have sad parts. But it would be happy in places and very happy towards the end.

Heres a summary of my idea. So cas just moved to town and he and dean become friends. But they both have large problems in their lives. Dean's dad is abusive and Cas is gay and his mom is extremely homophobic. I spent all day writing down ideas instead of writing more of this story🙄

Anyway I have pretty much the whole thing planned out. So I'll probably end up starting to write the chapters before publishing them and try to add lots of details hopefully it will end up good.

Anyway I plan to publish the next chapter tomorrow, but it'll probably end up being tonight coz I dont have much to write and I cant watch the final episode till tomorrow and I'm not going on tiktok or YouTube coz I dont want any spoilers. I turned off my notifications for those two apps. I cant really do much on my phone. All I can really do is read, listen to music, or watch spn. I also might do a destiel painting coz I like to live in denial about the whole cas thing.

Now I'm just kinda rambling coz I'm bored. But I'm listening to green day so that's fun. I LOVE green day. If you have read any of this you could probably tell.

Anyway, so this was pretty much just about my idea for my next fic.

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