11- Snow

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Hello people. I have no ideas for what this chapter will be about so I'm going to just start writing something and hopefully it will be good. Anyway, the story. Let's do this.

Castiel awoke surrounded by Dean. It's like his arms were wings and they were wrapped tightly around Cas' body. It made him feel safe.

Dean's legs were knotted together with Castiel's. Cas loved this feeling. He loved waking up to Dean. The faint smell of cologne and leather. And most of all, he loved Dean. He finally had what he wanted. He had Dean, he loved Dean, and he knew Dean felt the same.

Cas shifted a bit, careful not to disturb Dean, attempting to get a little more comfortable. He tried to loosen Dean's grip a bit, so he could lay on his back, but Dean just pulled him closer. Held him tighter.

Even though he was uncomfortable at first, he felt better. He liked feeling Dean's body heat against his chest.

Dean stirred a bit and wearly opened his eyes. His piercing green eyes. "Hey angel," Dean said, love laced his words."Hello Dean." Cas replied.

They stopped talking and silence filled the room again. A happy silence. Charlie, surprisingly hadn't woken up yet. And she was always up with the sun. But today, the sun hid behind an abundance of clouds. Today would most likely be a cold, snowy day. Maybe that's why the normally energized redhead hadn't woken up yet.


When Sam woke up, he was wearing nothing but a pair of loose fitting shorts. Gabriel was wearing the same.

Gabe had his head resting in Sam's bare chest. And an arm around him. Sam felt rested, something that had become more like a distant memory to him. Most nights he stayed up to late studying for his classes.

Gabriel woke up shortly after Sam, but remained silent, a rare accoranse considering this was Gabe. He stayed in the same place, not even opening his eyes. He wanted the moment to last forever. Even though he knew that he'd most likely spend lots of morning like this in the future, but in the moment, he was quite content.

Sam softly whispered 'Gabe?' Wondering if he was awake. Gabe hummed in response. 'Just checking on you," "well I'm not dead if that makes you fell better," he joked. Sam laughed and closed his eyes again, as did Gabe.

Sam wasn't asleep, but you couldn't really say he was awake either. He was in some sort of state in between. Gabriel on the other hand, was fast asleep.


Dean and Cas had both fallen asleep again. Charlie had left the room by then, to make some coffee.

She stood in the cute compact kitchen. She filled the machine with coffee and water and clicked the on button.

A/N I don't really like how I described her making the coffee but I honestly don't know how else to explain it.

She stared down at the white counter top as she listenes to the machine make purring noises. She walked the short distance to the fridge to check if they still had any coffee creamer. She pulled the handle and the door opened. She grabbed out the vanilla flavored coffee creamer and flicked the lid open to apper that it was about half full. She nodded and walked back in front of the machine.

She noticed that the coffee was about done so she swung open the cupboard above and grabbed a coffee mug from it. She set it on the counter then poured the hot liquid inside it. Only filling it about ¾ of the way, leaving room for the creamer.

After adding the vanilla flavoring to it she drank almost all of it in one gulp. She was tired and needed energy.


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