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Amane and Yashiro were both classmates in primary school. She liked him and was planning to confess to him after class.

"Yugi-san!" Yashiro shouted at Amane who was heading out by the school gate with his younger little brother.
Both the yugi twins looked back at her.

"A-ano c-can I talk to y-you for a second yugi-san?" She stuttered a bit.

"You go first, Tsukasa. I'll catch up later" Amane said and Tsukasa obliged.

"What do you want? Make it quick" he said annoyed.

"Amane- I u-uh l-lik-" she became a stuttering mess which made Amane lose his patience.

"Just spit it out already! You're wasting my time!" He shouted irritated.

"I like you Amane!" Amane was surprised then laughed afterwards.

"Who would ever love a daikon like you?" Amane laughed even louder than before. Yashiro ran while fat salty tears flowed out of her magenta eyes. As she ran out of school, Tsukasa saw her.

"What did you do Amane?" Tsukasa questioned innocently.

"Nothing. Just rejected an ugly daikon" Amane laughed and they began to head home.
"Nene-chan? Your mom called me to come here" Aoi softly knocked at her door. She locked herself from the time she got home from school. Yashiro unlocked the door to let her best friend in. As she came in, she noticed her eyes were bloody red, hair a mess and had puffy cheeks.

"Nene-chan, what happened to you?!" Aoi rushed at her side as they sat at her bed.

"Aoi" Yashiro's lips quivered and broke down again. Aoi hugged her in attempt to calm her down which she successfully did.

"A-amane I-i co-confessed to h-him earlier and he re-rejected me saying wh-who could l-love a da-daikon like me" aoi was furious to hear that.

"Nene-chan, maybe he wasn't your destined prince. Plus, he wasn't worth it anyway" aoi reassured her.

"You'll meet your prince soon okay? So chin up because he's somewhere out there, waiting for you" yashiro glanced up and smiled at her best friend.

"Thank you aoi-chan!" They embraced each other.
"Mom" nene called her mom from the living room.

"Yes, honey?" Her mom replied.

"Can I transfer to another school? The one where aoi is?" She pleaded at her mom.

"Why? Is someone bullying you?" She wanted to say 'yes and I fell in love with my bully' but she decided to lie.

"I just want to be with my best friend" she smiled at her mom.

"Okay. We'll transfer you tomorrow, kay?" She then jumped happily and hugged her mom. She was thankful that her mom agreed to it and was now ready to leave her past behind.
Amane's POV

"Good morning class!" Our teacher greeted

"Good morning, sensei!" We greeted back and bowed at her with respect.

"Yashiro Nene won't be joining us anymore. She transferred to another school" our teacher announced and I was stunned to hear her transfer.

'Maybe she got really embarrassed yesterday' I laughed at my thoughts.
Our teacher continued discussing and I was spacing out. I somehow felt sad? I wonder why. I stared at her desk beside mine. A cream-haired girl with teal tips and fat ankles was supposed to sit there but now it was empty.

'Maybe I bullied her too much? Wait! Why would I care?' I then focused my gaze at the board.

(I just got this idea earlier and I wrote it immediately hehe. Hope you enjoy my first boring chapter!! Jaaaaayyyy out!)

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