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Yashiro was already heading to school with a smile visible on her face. Her silky cream locks with teal tips flowing with the wind as her ruby coloured eyes fixated on the clear blue sky.

"Good morning, Yashiro!" She glanced behind her back, spotting a black choppy haired boy who bullied her before and now became her lover.

"Good morning, Amane" She greeted her lover back and they both head to school hand in hand.

"I heard that there will be a meteor shower tonight. Wanna see it with me?" Amane asked eyeing his gorgeous and popular girlfriend.

"Of course. Can you tell me more about the stars?" She glanced at him with adoring eyes as he began blabbering about the stars. She loved the way his eyes sparkle when he talks about something that he loves. His mouth forming into an adorable smile displaying his pearly white teeth.

"You look like a predator who is ready to devour its prey" Amane joked.

"You just look h-handsome" she said while blush crept onto her cheeks.

"You look beautiful, Yashiro" he said with a smile which melts her heart every time.

They sat on their seats while he played with her hair. Liking the softness and the alluring scent it emits. He stopped when their sensei came in and started their lesson.
Yashiro, Amane, Kou, Tsukasa, Aoi and Akane went to a nearby cafe to fill their empty stomachs.

"Tsukasa, do you know why Amane likes plain donuts?" Yashiro whispered in his ear while Amane eyed the two.

"Because dad used to make plain donuts and he simply liked it that way" Tsukasa whispered back and Yashiro nodded.

"What are you two whispering about?" Amane asked curiously.

"Nothing" Tsukasa replied and continued eating his. He seemed suspicious but he shrugged it off.

"I heard that there will be meteor showers tonight" Kou announced as all the attention turned to him.

"Wanna watch it with me, aoi-chan?" Akane asked hoping his long time crush will agree.

"Sure~" Aoi smiled and sipped her milk tea.

"Aoi- aoi-chan a-agreed" Akane was so happy that he felt his soul drifted from his body.

"I'll watch it with Tiara and Teru-nii" Kou said.

"I'll probably watch it with Sakura and Natsuhiko" Tsukasa smiled widely and clapped his hands like a madman.

"We should go now" Amane said as the sun began setting down and painting the sky with various colours.
They all walked out of the cafe and began walking. Yashiro walked ahead of them and suddenly a truck appeared. It was coming fast and the driver can be seen sleeping. She was glued to her spot and then the truck hit her. Amane came running to her as he saw blood all over her body.

"Yashiro!" Amane crouched down and placed her head on his lap. Her friends watched in horror as Akane called an ambulance.

"Just hold on, okay? The ambulance is coming" Amane tried hard to not spill any of his tears but failed eventually.

"Don't cry, Amane" her voice hoarse and her eyes sting as her tears were threatening to fall. She wiped his tears using her thumb and reassured him that she'll be fine.

"Just h-hold on, Yashiro. Don't go and d-die. There are still many things we haven't d-done as a c-couple" fat tears rolled down on his cheeks and yashiro was in pain to see him like that. She, too, was in pain both emotionally and physically.

"D-don't cry, A-amane. St-stay strong for m-me" she croaked out unable to stop her tears from flowing out of her ruby eyes.

"I can't imagine a world w-with y-you gone. I'd be so lost if you left me alone, Yashiro. You -said we w-would w-watch the m-meteor shower tonight. I s-still need to take you on many d-dates." Amane was sobbing and finally, the ambulance arrived and they took her away from him.

"S-snap out of it, Amane. Senpai needs you to be strong" Kou said but sadness was still visible in his voice. Aoi was crying on Akane's shoulder. Tsukasa remained strong for his brother and for his nene-san. He then wiped his tears and went inside the ambulance. They all went home, tired from crying and mentally exhausted after witnessing the terrifying scene.

"Please don't leave me, Yashiro" he mumbled as he held her hands, afraid that she might drift away from him.

(OH NO! WILL SHE SURVIVE OR WILL SHE DIE? I'M PLANNING TO KILL HER THOUGH ;)) one of my friends is positive from Covid. Please include him in your prayers thankkk youuu..
Take care okay? Don't just roam around without wearing your face mask. JAAAAAYYYY OUT!!)

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