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"How are you, Amane?" sent one day ago

"Amane, I got a new hamster today" sent two days ago

"I hope you're doing fine, Amane" sent four days ago

"I missed you so much, Amane." sent six days ago

"I love you Amane" sent one week ago

Yashiro was feeling sad and worried why Amane was no longer responding to her calls or texts. So, she decided to facetime her friends.

Y: Hey guys, how are you?

T: I'm fine, nene-san

Akane: Feeling great, Yashiro-san

Aoi: I'm fine as well, nene-chan. How are you?

Y: I'm fine but I was a little worried about Amane. He's no longer responding to my calls nor texts.




Y: Did something happen to him? Please tell me.

Aoi: He's fine, nene-chan

Akane: We should tell her guys

T: Actually, he's been hanging out a lot with the new transferee. He doesn't even hang out with us anymore.

Y: Oh, but I'm glad he's doing great.

Akane: Aren't you worried that he might be cheating behind your back?

Y: Don't worry, Akane-san. He's just hanging out as friends and I trust him.

T: I hope you're right, nene-san. We'll update you.

Y: Thank you, Tsukasa-kun. Also, Kou-kun? Why are you so quiet?

Aoi: Yeah... You haven't uttered a single word, Kou

K: I have something to say

Y: What is it, Kou-kun?

K: Senpai..... I witnessed Amane and the transferee kissing

Akane: What!? When!?

Aoi: I knew he was cheating!

T: I already told him to stay away from her but he didn't listen!

K: Are you okay, senpai?

Y: (silence)

T: Nene-san?

Y: U-uh... I'm sure that was just a m-misunderstanding hehehe

Akane: Yashiro-san-

Y: Oh, my parents arrived... Bye guys!!

-End Call-

She quickly ended the call as tears endlessly flow out from her eyes. She covered herself with a blanket and hugged her plushie that resembled Amane. She cried her eyes out until she had no more tears to cry. She refused to believe the truth but that's reality.

"Did you forget our p-promise, Amane? Didn't you say that you l-loved me?" She asked the plushie but of course, it didn't respond. She went asleep and the tears that stained her cheeks were now dried up.
(3 years later)

Y: Hey, guys! Guess what?

T: You're legs are now slender?


K: Shut up, Tsukasa

Akane: Tsukasa, I can't believe you're already in 2nd-year college yet you still act like a child

T: I can't believe you're already in 3rd-year college yet Aoi-san still rejects you *laughs*

Y, K & Aoi: *laughs at him*

Akane: You'll regret that, kid.

Y: Okay okay... Calm down now because I still have an announcement.

K: What is it, Senpai?

Y: I'm going back to Japan!!

Everyone: YAAAYYY!!!

K: Really!? When!?

Y: Today!! We're landing now!!

Aoi: I'm so excited to see you again, nene-chan!!

Akane: Me too!!

K: Me three!!

T: Me four!!!

Y: See you later guys and you all should prepare yourself. You still have class, remember?

T: It's still 5, nene-san

K: Stop whining like a brat

Aoi: Bye, nene-chan!

Y: Bye, everyone!

"Okay, class! Go back to your seats!" Their sensei said and they all obliged.

"We have a new transferee" their sensei announced and they were all excited.

"You can come in, now" with that said, the girl went inside the classroom.

"Nene-chan!" Akane and Aoi said in unison and ran up to her. They hugged each other with Aoi sniffling.

"Hey, guys. I missed you" yashiro said.

"We missed you, too" they said in unison.

"Okay, you two, go back to your seat now." Their sensei commanded and they nodded.

"Good morning, everyone! My name is Yashiro Nene and I lived in the States. Please take care of me!" She introduced herself as the class cheered. Yashiro was busy scanning the new faces until her eyes landed on a familiar face with two amber orbs. They locked eyes but Yashiro looked away first.

"You can sit behind Akane" she went to her seat and she noticed that his seat was beside hers. She sat on her seat and focused her attention on the board. She felt Amane's stares but she ignored it.

Amane's POV

I missed her so much and she's finally back. She probably hates me but that's fine. I kept looking at her and she hasn't even looked in my direction. She became more gorgeous and her legs were slimmer than before.

"Amane, instead of staring at Yashiro, why don't you focus on the board?" Our sensei said while my classmates teased and laughed at me.

"I'd rather stare at Yashiro, sensei" I shot back and stared at her reaction but her face remained the same.

"She's not interested in you plus you already have a girlfriend" our sensei replied and that made me silent.

I looked at her again and she really wasn't showing any emotions. It reminds me of the incident when she knew I befriended her because of the dare. It broke my heart and made me upset but it was my fault, anyway.

'I guess you already moved on' It made me sad when I thought of that but then again, I can't blame her. I doze off while facing the window.
I'm in the cafeteria with my girlfriend eating lunch as she talked with her friends.

"Kou-kun!" My ears perked up as I heard her voice. They hugged each other and let go. Akane, Aoi and Kou sat down first while she remained standing as if she's looking for someone.

"Nene-san!" I heard Tsukasa shout and he ran to her and embraced her. He twirled her around while she was giggling. It made me angry that she was being held with someone else's arms especially when it looked like me. They both sat down with Tsukasa never letting her go.

'That should be me' I sadly thought and averted my gaze to avoid tearing up.

(How saadddd:(((( Take care, be safe and stay healthy.. JAAAAAYYY OUT!!)

I STILL LOVE YOU (AMANENE)Where stories live. Discover now