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(Okay but this is my first book that reached chapter 20 YAYYY!!. My books usually end in chapter 15)

"Nene-chan, when I went out to go to the restroom, I saw the police coming in this direction" Aoi whispered at her then went back to her seat. It was their homeroom period and their sensei knew what was about to happen. The principal informed all the teachers as well as the student council.

"Good day, Sir! May we excuse Ms Sakura for some questions?" The police officer asked and Sakura got suspicious.

"Sensei, what is the meaning of this?" She asked suspiciously then it hit her when she talked with Yashiro yesterday. She figured it out fast and searched for Yashiro.

"You!" She pointed at her accusingly and stormed towards her but Amane blocked her way.

"Back off, Sakura" he said in a tone full of venom. She didn't know what to do so she dashed outside using the other door. The police moved fast and ran to catch her. All students were now outside of their classrooms, they were gossiping and filming the entire scene. Soon enough, the police caught her and handcuffed her. She eyed Yashiro angrily but saw Amane beside her holding her waist. She rolled her eyes at them and looked away.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you." The police said as she remained silent. They were now dragging her to their police car and their sensei dismissed the class.

"Yaayyyy!! Sakura is gonna rot in jail!!" Tsukasa celebrated while jumping up and down. Soon enough, they all joined with him. Then, they stopped and went out to gossip with the other students except for Amane and Yashiro.

"I'm so happy" yashiro said as she embraced Amane.

"So am I" he sighed in relief and felt as if something heavy was lifted from his shoulders.

"Meet me by the giant tree after school" he pecked her forehead and walked away. She was perplexed but she sure is excited. She bolted outside to catch up with him and they both headed to the rooftop.

"Nene-san!" Tsukasa ran towards her and tackled her with a bone-crushing hug while Amane tried prying him off.

"I'll miss teasing Amane" he pouted as she giggled at him.

"I wanna pin nene-san on the wall again though" he said in a cheerful voice and ran while Amane was chasing him around. Yashiro sat with Kou, Akane and Aoi as they enjoyed the scenery.

"Now, our lives are finally peaceful." Akane said. Tsukasa and Amane stopped and sat with them.

"Maybe next time, I'll pin nene-san on the bed" he teased again as his brother glared at him. They were now able to laugh freely without any hindrance nor problems.


Yashiro was heading to the giant tree near their school's garden. She was wondering why he wanted to meet her there. As she was nearing the tree, she saw him looking so peaceful. His hands on his pockets and his choppy hair swaying along with the wind. She began admiring his side profile and smiled unknowingly.

"Amane!" She said cheerfully and he turned around to look at her. He plastered a soft smile on his face and hugged her briefly.

"So what are we gonna talk about?" She asked curiously.

"Do you still remember this?" He showed his silver necklace with a padlock. She nodded and showed hers too.

"When I saw you again after 3 years, all I ever do is stare at you from afar. Every time you look back at me, I pretended to look around but in all honesty, I was looking at you." Yashiro became flustered and her eyes began to shimmer from the tears that are already forming.

"The spaces between your fingers are meant to be filled with mine" he took her hands and intertwined them as he kissed her forehead.

"I love your smile but I love it more when I'm the reason behind it" he kissed her nose and she giggled.

"I will always love you even in the afterlife" he kissed her lips and she kissed back.

"Yashiro Nene, will you please be my girlfriend again?" He asked and she didn't hesitate to answer 'yes'. He carried her and kissed each other again.

(Just like this:>>)

Then their friends went out of their hiding place and celebrated in glee

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Then their friends went out of their hiding place and celebrated in glee.

"I feel like a proud parent watching his son" Akane said as he wiped his imaginary tears.

"Amane is already grown-up" Tsukasa fake cried and they laughed.

"Make sure to never hurt senpai, okay? Because I'll surely chop your fingers one by one" Kou warned and Amane sweatdropped but nodded nonetheless.

"But seriously Amane, that was so cringy" Tsukasa said as he displayed a disgusted look.

"Shush Tsukasa.. It was nowhere near disgusting, it was romantic" Yashiro sighed dreamily while Amane chuckled at her.

"Congratulations, nene-chan" Aoi hugged her and she did the same.

"Thank you, aoi-chan" she thanked her and let go. They all went to a cafe to celebrate with smiles never leaving their faces. There was a reason why they crossed paths, why they were challenged with different trials and why they suffered but no pain is eternal for them because they were each other's joy and comfort.

They were relieved to have each other.


"A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow." – William Shakespeare

(Thank you for reading this book. Thank you for bearing my bad grammar. This book is so cringy, right? So thank you for bearing that for me hehehe.. I also feel second-hand embarrassment though.. Thank you for all the comments and votes. I appreciate it:)) Please continue taking care of yourself. Stay safe and healthy. JAAAYYYYY OUT!!)

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