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Yashiro woke up, did her morning routine, fed her hamster and went to school. She was the first one to arrive and decided to head to the rooftop. As she open the door, she didn't expect to meet a certain black-choppy haired boy leaning on the railings.

"Good morning Yugi-san" She greeted and saw the boy flinched.

"G-good morning Yashiro" he blushed which went unnotice by the radish girl.

"I thought I was the early one in the room as I didn't see any bags there" yashiro said.

"I usually carry my bag with me" yashiro hummed and leaned on the railings.

"What brings you here yashiro?" Amane asked while staring at the peaceful girl beside him.

"I usually hang out here" She repliedand Amane hummed.

"You kind of remind me of a girl back in primary school" he said.

"How so?" This made yashiro perked up her head.

"You both have similar hair and had radish legs" Amane chuckled.

"Pardon?" Yashiro raised her other eyebrow at him.

"I mean your ankles are cute" Amane sweatdropped.

"I used to bully her everyday and I was an idiot for not realizing her beauty sooner. I felt guilt everyday. I was gonna apologize to her but she transfered to another school" Amane sighed sadly.

"What was the reason that you bully her everyday?" Yashiro asked still eyeing the boy next to him.

"For fun and I didn't know it affected her emotionally. I know I'm really stupid back then and I really wanted to start over with her." Amane finally gaze back at her.

"So please Yashiro, please stop pretending. I know you didn't forgot about me." He saw how her eyes glistened then looked away from him.

"I don't know what you're talking about Yugi-san" she was about to walk away but was stopped when Amane grabbed her wrist.

"Let me go!" Yashiro tried freeing his wrist.

"No! I will not let you go. I will not create the same mistake before. So please, give me a second chance" Amane pleaded and saw how she tried really hard for her tears not to flow out of her magenta eyes.

"I'm sorry Yashiro" his amber orbs gaze deeply at hers. Yashiro wiped her tears and smiled.

"Don't waste this chance Yugi-san" Amane's face brightened up and immediately hugged yashiro which caught her by surprise.

"Thank you so much Yashiro" they let go and smiled at each other.

"Just call me Amane okay?" He said.

"Okay Amane-kun." She smiled sweetly at him which made his heart do a flip back.

(Why are they so cute!? >.< Stay safe everyone.. Jaaayyyyyy out!!)

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