25. Is That Your Boyfriend?

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Two weeks pass in the blink of an eye. I spend most of my time doing things for orientation and getting ready for the first semester of college. It's crazy to think after spending years waiting for high school to be over it just... is.

Today is move-in day and I can't help but feel a bit sad. Andre and I planned so much for what we would do. We were going to do the whole long-distance thing, and we would alternate weekends in New York and DC. He was saving up to get a car to save on transport money and everything. We had it all figured out and it feels a bit weird for it to just not be happening anymore. I think about texting him but decide against it. I don't want to give him or myself the wrong idea.

Claire and I decided to skip the first year pleasantries and get an apartment together. It's about 20 minutes away from home, which means I have all the delicious food and goodness I could ask for. More importantly, it's much closer to Dom's place than before which makes our lives a lot easier.

We've fallen into a pretty steady rhythm since our argument, and it's really starting to feel like we're going somewhere special in our relationship. He tries to call for a few minutes every day. When he can't, he makes sure to text me and let me know why. We only have to do that for a few more days before he lands on Friday morning. I'm kinda glad he's away during the first week of college. I feel like I'd just as easily spend all my time with him instead of trying to make friends. Now, I have no choice.

My mom and I take a cab to the new apartment since we're carrying a shit ton of stuff. Sifiso's slowly been becoming more distant since I broke the news to him about the wedding. He's one of the strongest people I know, but my dad has always been his kryptonite. He's worse off now than he's ever been, barely speaking a word to me and mom and acting really unlike himself. I let him know he could talk to me when he was ready, but the best thing to do with Sifiso when he gets like this is to give him space to work through it.

My mom and haul the luggage onto a cart and wheel it through the door. I had never actually been to the apartment building yet, so it's really exciting to see how it looks. Fleur and my mom were the most involved in apartment scouting and refused to let us see so it could be a sort of surprise. We greet the doorman as we make our way up to the apartment.

"Woah this place is beautiful," I say as I take in the decor of the lobby. My mom squeezes my hand before she speaks.

"You should see the inside."

When we finally get inside, the sheer beauty of the apartment space knocks the wind out of my lungs. The moment you open the door, I'm greeted by a vast view of Chelsea facing the Hudson River. We're high enough up that we have an overhead view of the City. Other than the view, I'm surprised that the entire apartment is furnished and furnished well. It's all very sleek and elegant with pops of color and paintings around it.

"Oh my god, Ma! This is so beautiful! How did you do this?"

"It wasn't all me. Your father helped out a lot," she says, and the smile on my face drops a bit. She's trying to seem unbothered, but I can tell she's still really hurting. My dad helped with all of this? He can't call to apologize, but he'll fund my new apartment? Classic.

"Have you spoken to him?"

"A bit. He seems happy." The smile she offers me has no joy in it. She's trying so hard to be strong for me, for Sifiso, but she's carrying such a heavy burden at the same time. I don't know how I can help her, how I could make it better. You could go to the wedding, a small voice echoes in my mind. If I went, I could stand up for her, for all of us. Besides, I want to see the pieces of shit he left us for, maybe it will make me feel better to ruin their day.

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