23. Worth It

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I wake up the next morning feeling better and that's all thanks to Claire. When she and Sifiso came back last night, he had calmed down significantly, but still couldn't look me in the eye. Claire, like the dutiful friend she is, kept up her promise of a girl's night. We spent our time watching movies and singing karaoke. It was nice to be the best of us again and by the end of it all my mind was happily distracted from the worst of my thoughts. I managed not to cry the whole night, and I was thankful for it.

When I finally turn my phone on, I see two missed calls from Dominic. My heart twinges, but there's no sadness left in me.

It's about 6am which is much earlier than I'm used to being up. My mind and body won't let me sleep any longer so I crawl out of bed, careful not to wake Claire up.

Before I get into the shower, I spend sometime studying myself in the mirror. Gosh, I look like hell. My eyes are still swollen, and my under-eyes bruised with exhaustion. I look like I've aged 5 years, I feel that way too.

The shower water clears my mind, and I feel so much more relaxed than I was before. When I'm out, I look and feel so much better, and I'm glad for it. By the time I'm finished getting dressed, Claire is up and scrolling through her phone.

"Morning," she says grumpily. Obviously I woke her up, but she seems chirpier than usual.

"Good morning sunshine," I say loudly just to annoying her. I barely make it out of the door to avoid the onslaught of pillows being hurled at me. I'm welcomed in the kitchen by the smell of eggs and bacon.

The only good thing about being up with early is I don't have to make myself breakfast.
My mom and Fleur are working hard and as a well-oiled machine, my mom mans the stove, while Fleur sets the table.

Sifiso walks in a short while later and Claire follows. They hesitate at first, but before long their snuggled up on the couch waiting for the food to be ready. When it finally is, we sit around the table eating and laughing and enjoying ourselves. It feels good to be around my family like this, the people I love most in the world. Our conversation is interrupted by the doorbell ringing. My mom, S

"Are you expecting someone?" My mom asks and I shake my head no. I make my way to the door to see who it is, though I can't shake the aching in my gut. I don't look through the peephole before I open the door. He's standing in front of me, clearly exhausted but still dressed to the nines. My organs plummet and I have to hold on to the door for support.

"Dom?" I can't hide my shock. How is he here right now? I mean I know how, but why?

"You turned your phone off." He's angry and looks extremely hurt. I feel like my lungs are collapsing. i wasn't expecting to see him at all.
"Who's there, Lungi?" My mom asks me and I don't have the voice to answer her.

I open the door for him, and he relcuctantly walks in. His demanour changes slightly when he sees the kitchen full with people.

"Hello everyone. Sorry to disturb you so early, I just really needed to see Lungi" he waves awkwardly and keeps a reasonable distance away from me. My mom gives him a gentle smile.

"It's good to see you Dom."

"You too, Ms. Zwane," he says and I can tell he genuinely means it.

"I don't believe we've met before. I'm Fleur. Claire's mom," She says proudly and places a wet kiss on Claire's cheek before offering Dom her hand. He shakes it firmly before giving her a strained smile. Claire and Sifiso just acknowledge him with nods and soft smiles. I can't stand the awkwardness any longer, so I gently grab Dom's hand and lead him away.

"We'll be in in my room," I say, and can't get out of the room fast enough.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him, realizing immediately how I must sound to him. I didn't think he actually meant it when he said he'd come back to the city.

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