Trick or Treat Halloween special

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Killugon and leopika are also in this special.
Illumi P.o.v
"HURRY UP HISOKA" I heard footsteps quickly coming door the stairs to see a vampire hisoka. "Did a vampire suck your blood yet illu~" He came closer to me as I blushed.

"N-no" he pulled me by my waist as then a doorbell interrupted the moment in which he responded with a groan. I opened the door to see killua, gon, kurapika, and leorio dress up in a costume.

"Happy Halloween!" I just nodded as I called hisoka to tell him that we have to leave. "Alright alright I'm here" Hisoka said as he put his head on illumi shoulder.

"Well let's get going" kurapika said. We walked outside to house after house decorated with Halloween decor, Kids running around holding there candy in a bag or buckets, laughter all around.

"Were heading up that street" Leorio said as we nodded going there. That road had less children and more teenagers going around in suck revealing costumes.

"Why are we here?" Kurapika complained as he might also be a teenager but he doesn't act like one.

"I suppose we have to get through this mess" I stated as leorio nodded. "There are larger candies on the next road" Killua pulled gon close to him.

"What with this over protective killu" I smirked. "I'm not letting no one touch gon" kurapika and leorio awed at that as hisoka kept quiet.

"Babe what's wrong?" I looked at him as he sighed. "These teenagers are just disgusting so can we just go" he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Wow coming from a pedo" I said as he slap my ass making me giggle. "

Cut it out lovebirds and let's go" leorio said as we walked through the crowded road of teenagers. Some trying to hit on hisoka in which I leak my bloodlust on them which indicates he's mine.

We finally made it out as leorio was right there was better stuff on the next road.

"Well let's go trick or treating" hisoka said finally getting back into the spirit.

Author P.o.v
The next 4 hours they spent going from house to house gathering candies.

Hisoka playing a trick on the candy giver sometimes which revealed some laughes from other people and themselves.

Gon almost stealing a kid younger then him candies. Illumi constantly leaking bloodlust to the people from hitting on hisoka.

Kurapika wanted to get carried by leorio in which leorio did. Killua actually stealing the candies from the younger kids and giving them to gon.

They also when to this Halloween party which was a mistake cause it was all horny teens and drunk/high teens.

It was now 1:30 a.m, the streets now emptying with candy wrappers scattered all over more cars going down the road.

Illumi and hisoka bid goodbye to the other 4 as they went the opposite way home.

"Ah I'm tired where are we gonna put these candies at?" Hisoka yawned and stretched as he walked through the door, illumi following after but locking the door beforehand.

"Just put it in that empty kitchen cabinet that we have" hisoka nodded and stores his and illumi's candies in the cabinet.

Illumi walked back in his PJs sitting down on the couch. "I'm gonna change ok" illumi nodded turning on the tv.

After illumi found a movie which was a "The nightmare before Christmas", Hisoka walked in the living with his pjs on as well.

"Your done" hisoka nodded putting his arms around illumi waist snuggling close to him.

"Well let's start the movie then" illumi starts the movie as he puts his head on hisoka shoulder, snuggling more into the blanket.

"Hey let me have some blanket too" hisoka joked as illumi shared and they both warming eachother up on the cold chilly night.

The sound of the movie playing and the wind howling in the night.


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