Chapter 1: Time to start the game

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Susan's POV:

"I'm going to kill him!" I said clenching my fists.

"Don't, Susan," she said holding onto my arm.

"You're 18, Lina. He's 20. What the hell?"

"I'm moving away," she says. "Your mom divorced my dad.. so we're moving away.."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "But..-"

"Bye, Susan. You've been a really good sister to me. I love you. Bye," she said giving me a hug then left.


"Your sister.. 'did it' with him?" my best friend, Sabrina asks.

"Yeah, well.. she WAS my sister, STEP-SISTER, I mean. And yeah. They did it. He's so fucking gross. Gosh! I hate him so much!" I told her.

"He's so hot though," she said making dreamy eyes.

"Stop it, Sabrina. He's so disgusting! I hate his guts! He plays with girl's hearts just to sleep with them."

"You should mess with his heart then. Play him like how he plays with all these girl's hearts," she told me.

"No, I'm not gonna be his 'one night stand bitch'."

"PLAY WITH HIM," she said then winked.

"Ohhhhh.." I finally got it. He's so dead now. Haha.

You play with girl's hearts, I play with yours.

Kayden's POV:

"You know that she's Susan's sister right?" my friend Dallas said.

"Susan? Who's Susan?" I ask.

"Well.. they WERE sisters, I mean, step-sisters.." he mumbled.


"Nothing... anyway.. who's your next victim?"

"I don't have victims. They approach me first, if they don't then I approach them. Just like Lina. I approached her and she fell for me," I told him.

"Well, she's gone," he said.

"I don't care, she's gone then she's gone. She was never really my type anyways. She's all good and shit.. I don't really dig that."

"Liar, remember that girl back in high school.. uh SUSAN? She was a goody.. but now.. DAMN, she grew."

"Okay, who the fuck is this 'Susan' girl anyway?" I ask him making a confused face.

"Susan Sunshine," he replied. "She was a goody goody, remember?"

"Susan? Sunshine? Ohhh! That one girl?" I ask.

"Yeah! That 'one' girl. You never approach her."

Somebody walks in the class wearing a short shorts, with a low cut v-neck.

"Damn," I said out loud. I whistle at her.

Susan's POV:

"He whistled at you!" Sabrina squealed.

"Shut up, Brina! I don't care. Ugh, he's so gross," I said.

Sabrina and I sat down.

"He's coming over..." she whispered.

Shit.. time to start the game.

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