Chapter 13: Bang!

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"Holy shit," I said.

"Let's go," dad said.

We went inside the warehouse and it was pitched black. I took out my iPhone and turned on the flashlight.

We went downstairs and saw an empty chair.

"This place is so fucking creepy!" mom whispered yelled.

"Shh, Claire!" dad whispered yelled.

"You both shh, mom and dad!" I whispered yelled.

"I can hear you guys," a familiar voice spoked. It was a male.

"Nice to see you again, Charlie and Claire," a lady spoked.

The lights turned on. Nick, and the 2 ladys that was here, I assumed they're Ella and Darla.

"What is wrong with you guys?" dad ask.

"It's over," mom said.

"Susan!" I yelled. She was lying on the bed unconscious.

Nick quickly grabbed her and ran. I went after. Mom and Dad was dealing with Ella and Darla.

I followed Nick upstairs. Then.. I was knocked out.


"Hello?" Nick said swinging a clock infront of me.

I was tied up on a chair behind Susan.

"Susan!" I said.

"Kayden!" she said with terror in her voice.

"Don't worry, Susan. I'll get us out of here," I told her.

"You guys are not going anywhere," Nick said.

"What do you want?" I ask him. "Money?"

"No. No." he said swaying his fingers left and right. "I want revenge."

"For what?" I ask.

"You know exactly what."

This abandoned warehouse was huge. I don't know where my mom and dad is.

Nick untied Susan and threw her on the bed. He got ontop of her.

"Don't you dare fucking touch her!" I yelled.

"Aww," he said. "I'm afraid I can't do that, Kayden."

Susan's hands were still tied. But her feet wasn't. Nick was kissing her neck. It was making me really angry. I couldn't take it anymore.

I mouthed to Susan, "Your feet. Your knee. Kick him with your knee."

I'm hoping she understood.

She tried to knee him but she couldn't.

Susan's POV:

I couldn't knee Nick. I was too weak and couldn't reach it. Nick brushed his lips against mines which made Kayden really angry.

"Don't fucking touch her! Don't do anything to her!" Kayden yelled.

Nick got up. "You have to suffer."

My hands was getting from the duck tape. I quickly yanked it out and pushed Nick off me. He fell to the ground.

He hit something hard and that knocked him up.

I quickly got off the bed and untied Kayden.

We both almost made a run for it until Nick pointed a gun at Kayden. "You guys are not going anywhere."

"Let her go," Kayden said. "Shoot me. Just.. just let her go!"

"That's not gonna happen, Kayden," Nick said.

Then.. I heard a gun shot.


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