Chapter 3: Am I jealous?

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        "Hello!" Kayden says with a smile.

        "Um.. what are you doing here?" I ask him.

        He came in my dorm room.

        "Oh hey, Kayden. I was just about to leave," Sabrina said grabbing her keys on the counter. "Bye!"

        Seriously, you suck, Sabrina. She closed the door.

        Fuck.. now we're ALONE in my dorm room. People usually 'do it' in dorms.

        "So.. now we're alone," he said as he approached me.

        "Not so close, pretty boy," I said putting my hand up.

        "Aw cute, you have a nickname for me too, Babe," he said then winked.

        Ugh, he's seriously so annoying. Can I kill him?


        "But I thought you like me."

        Shit.. I'm suppose to 'LIKE' him.. to make him fall for me.. THEN I'LL DUMP HIM RIGHT AFTER! HAHA!

        I walked towards him. "I do."

        He pulled my waist towards him and asks, "How about a kiss then?"

        "A kiss? I don't think I'm ready for that yet," I said tapping on my chin as if I'm thinking.

        "Alright, how about a date?" he asks.

        "Date?" I ask. "Hm.. uh, sure."

        "Let's go then," he said releasing me from his grip.

        "To where?"

        "Anywhere," he replied opening the door.

        "Okay, but atleast let me get ready," I said walking to my dresser.

        I pull out a-

        "Dress," he said.

        I turned around to look at him. "What?" I ask.

        "Wear a dress," he said putting his hands in his pocket. Gosh, he looks so hot.

        Okay, anyways, I turned around and went in my closet to look for a dress. I found a sparkly, above the knee dress, strapless though. I wasn't really feeling confident about this dress, but eh, whatever. I gotta make him fall for me.

        "Do you mind?" I ask.

        "Mind what?" he asks.

        "Letting me change," I said, tilting my head.

        "Oh, I don't mind," he said, hands still in his pocket, shrugging.

        "Ugh, whatever. I'll change in the bathroom," I said rolling my eyes and heading to the bathroom.

        He stopped me as soon as I was going to step in the bathroom. He blocked my way.

        "Hey!" I said. "I needa change."

        He leaned forward and pressed his soft, pink lips onto mines. Well.. I didn't expect that.

        I back away and said, "Um.."

        "Oh, sorry. I couldn't resist. I got carried away.." he says.

        Yeah right, Kayden. Yeah right.


        I came out of the bathroom. Did my hair, curled it, because I felt like it. My ombré, dark brown on the top, light brown on the bottom hair is naturally straight.

        I rubbed the dress on me and Kayden says, "Wow.. you look.. beautiful."

        "Uh, thanks."

        I went to my closet and grabbed my black heels. I put it on.

        "Ready," I said.

        We were heading out the door. I quickly grabbed my black bag and we left the dorm.

        We walked down the stairs until I tripped on a step. Kayden quickly catched me, on time. I held onto him.

        "Nice way of making a guy catch you and you being in their arms," he said, smirking.

        "I..-" I got up and said, "Thanks.."

        "Yeah, you should do it more often. I get to touch you more," he said smiling then, that smile turned into a smirk.

        We walk to his ferrari car.

        "Wow, you own this?" I ask him with my eyes widened.        

        "Yeah," he replied. "My parents spoils me."

        "Aren't you even grateful? I ask.

        "Of course I am, now hop in," he said, already in the car, in the driver's seat.

        I crossed my arms at him and raised an eyebrow.

        "Really? You're that kinda girl?" he asks getting out of the car and opening the door for me.

        I went in and said, "Thank you."

        He closed the door gently and said, "You're welcome, babe." With a smirk.


        We went to go see a movie. We watched 'The Wedding Ringer'. It was hilarious! Loved it!

        And no, he didn't try to make any moves on me, I mean.. he kissed me earlier. But that was nothing! It was a peck! Our lips didn't really move, and our tongues didn't go inside each others!

        "I'm gonna go use the bathroom," I told him.

        "Okay. Hurry back. I'll miss you," he said.

        I rolled my eyes and head to the bathroom.

        When I got back from the bathroom, I saw the school/college slut, Tina, with her 2 'back-up', Trina and Tarina. Their names are so stupid, it kinda matched. Tina actually forced them to change their names to match hers, or be somewhat similar to her name. Their original name was, Trina's was Elenor, and Tarina's was Bailey. I hate those bitches, especially Tina. Ugh.

        Tina stopped me when I got out of the bathroom, "Hey Susan! You're dressing so fancy! Where you going?"

        "Are you dumb? I'm here, at the movie theaters," I told her.  

        "I saw you with Kayden. He's so hot. Have you slept with him? You know.. since you're an easy target," she said giggling.

        I am not an easy target! What the fuck!

        "Figures, that's why he wouldn't sleep with you," I said to her crossing my arms.

        "Haha, is he cheating on you already?" she asks. "He slept with me last night."

        "What?" my eyes widened.

        She left with her crew laughing. That bitch, and that man whore. Wait.. why do I care who he sleeps with? Am I? Oh no, I can't. Am I jealous?







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