Chapter 9: Like him?

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        I was in bed all day yesterday just balling my eyes out. I don't know why I was but.. I don't know! I wasn't really feeling myself. Am I really falling for him? Am I really falling IN LOVE with him? Am I jealous? I didn't know that answers to that.. maybe I do..

        My phone buzzed. It was a text from.. Kayden.

        "I'm sorry about yesterday, Susan. I.. I just ran out. I didn't know how to answer that.. I'm so sorry." he texted.

        I text back, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that.. I know it's personal but.. I wanted to know."

        "You okay with me coming over to tell you the answer?" he ask.

        "If you want."

        About 5-10 minutes later...

        "It's a no, Susan," he told me.

        "Are you sure?" I ask.

        "Yeah, of course I'm sure," he assured me.

        "How about Tina? Eve?"

        "Okay, first of all, Eve is dead. And second, Tina and I were never really a thing."

        "Alright, just making sure.." I said nodding my head.

        He held my hands and whispered in my ear, "Are you jealous?"

        I moved away and said, "I'm not jealous!" Remember, I'm just playing him, like how he is playing with girls.

        "Lies. You're falling for me."

        "What's that suppose to mean, Kayden?" I ask him.

        "Nothing, babe. I like you," he said.

        "Right.. you LIKE me." He doesn't love me just yet. He hasn't fallen for me completely yet. He isn't in love with me, JUST YET. I will accomplish that. I will dump him when he falls for me 100%.

        "What are you thinking?" he ask pulling me away from my thoughts.

        "Huh?" I shook my head. "Oh, nothing.."

        "Alright, wanna go out for breakfast?"

        "Breakfast? It's like 1pm."

        "Well, I haven't eaten breakfast yet and I'm assuming you haven't either," he said grabbing my hands.

        "Wanna go out for iHop?" I suggested.

        "Yeah!" he said kissing me on the cheek.


        "How could you not like strawberries?" I ask.

        "They are so gross and girly," Kayden replies.

        "Yeah well, I love them."

        "Doesn't mean that I have to love them too."


        Kayden reached over to grab my hand that was on the table and held onto it.

        "I really like you, Susan," he said.

        My eyes widened. I was shocked. But not that shocked. He just.. he just likes me.

        He got up from the table, put his hands in his pockets, and leaned down to kiss me.

        A/N: Can you guys picture the kiss? Because I can, and I think it's really hot! LOL. XD

        I back away and he said, "Mmm, you taste like strawberries."

        He sat back down.

        "And you taste like whipped cream," I told him.

        A/N: I personally hate/dislike whipped cream. And strawberries/strawberry, A LITTLE. (on the strawberries) YEAH, you guys don't care.. LOL. ;DD

        "Yuck!" I said. "I hate whipped cream."

        "There you go. You hate something I love and I hate something you love," he said.


        I connected my phone to the radio in his car and put on Long Way Home by 5 Seconds Of Summer.

        A/N: I LOVE 5SOS <3333333 LUKE <33333

        "Really?" Kayden asks.

        "What?" I ask.

        "5 'es-o-es'?" he asks, trying to annoy me.

        "IT'S 5SOS!" I told him.

        "Yeah, whatver," he said.

        I started singing. "We're taking the long way home!!!"

        "Wow, Miley Cyrus over here!" he said.

        "As in good or bad?" I ask.

        "Eh, both," he shrugged. "But more on the BAD."

        "Hey! I happen to love Miley!" I told him, hitting him.

        "Hey, don't hit me."

        We went to the park after.

        "Wow, this is beautiful," I told him.

        "You are beautiful," he said looking at me.

        "Yeah, like you haven't said that to girls before," I said, trying to get comfortable on his lap.

        "Hey, I'm not a player. I'm telling the truth about you being beautiful."

        I scoffed. "Please. 'I'm not a player'." I said mimicking him on the second part.

        "Alright, I might not be the best but I like you, Susan. You know that. Do you like me?"

        Like him? Yeah.. NO! Susan, it's a game.. whatever.

        "Yeah.. I do like you," I told him.









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