Chapter 4: Not yet

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"Hey, you're back. Finally. Now I can stare at you again," he said feeling somewhat relieved.

I said, "Are we.. are we-"

"Are we what?" he asks pulling my waist and my whole body towards him.

"Are we dating?" I ask him.

"I don't know. Are we?"

"Um.. I'm asking you that, Kayden."

"Well then.. we are!" he says with a smile.

"Okay then..." I said not really looking at him in the eye.

"Awesome! So that means that I can do this all the time."

"Do what?"

"This," he said. He pulled my head towards him and my lips landed on his. Our lips was moving and I felt his tongue slipping inside my mouth. I pulled back.

"Yeah.. we aren't ready for that 'tongue inside mouth' stage yet," I said.

"Well, I already passed it, and succeed! Now it's your turn!"


I woke up and opened my eyes and saw..

"Sabrina?!" I screamed.

"Hi!" she said waving at me.

"You scared the shit out of me!"

"Well.. you gotta buy new bedsheets then!" she said skipping across the room.

"What are you doing?" I ask while laying up.

She stopped at the end of my bed and ask, "So.. how was the date?"

"How'd you know?" I ask her.

"I might've saw-"

"You know what, I don't care if you knew about it," I said laying back down and covering my face with my pillow.

"How was it?" she ask taking the pillow off my face and throwing it across the room.

"Hey! I need that! You know that it bothers me when my pillows are not in my bed," I said to her.

"Alright, I'll go get it, after you tell me."

I got off my bed and went to go pick up the pillow. But then Sabrina stepped on it.

"Tell me," she said crossing her arms.

"Alright! It was.. I gotta admit, good."

Her feet flew off the pillow and she was jumping up and down. "Good?!"

"Yeah.." I said picking up the pillow and throwing it onto my bed.

"Oh my gosh, this is working!" she squealed. "Did you have sex with him yet?"

"What? No! Not yet.." I said. "But he did have sex with that bitch, Tina."

"Of course, he's a man whore. So are you dating him?"

I nod my head. "Yeah, I think."

"Wow, you are good," she said.

"Yeah, but he's good too," I said shaking my head.


Kayden's POV:

"You got her faster than I thought!" Dallas said taking out a beer from the fridge and giving me one.

"Yeah, now I just gotta get in bed with her, then bye-bye, Susan Sunshine," I said popping the cap. I took a sip.

"Dude, what if you fall in love with her?" he asks taking a sip.

"The fuck? Why would I? You know that I don't like to use that word on a person. 'Love', ugh, gives me the shivers."

"But your parents love each other. Aren't you happy about that?" he asks taking a sip of his beer.

"Of course I am happy that they," I gulped. "Love each other. It's just that.. I don't wanna fall in love. I never wanna say that I love them to a person besides my parents."

"Aw, you're going to take back your words saying that you won't love anyone besides your parents and whatnot," he said.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him.

"Oh nothing, Kayden!" he said. Man, it sucks, because he's really good at lying.

I went over to Susan's dorm and she opened it. I pulled her up against me and gave her a warming kiss.

"Where's Sabrina?" I ask her while walking inside the dorm.

"She's out with Dallas. Didn't he tell you?" she said.

"Oh, yeah! I forgot. Brain fart."

"Yeah, alright. So what are you doing here?" she asks me sitting on the couch.

"I was wondering if you'll like to go to a party with me?" I ask her while sitting on the couch. I sat next to her.

Susan's POV:

"A party?" I ask.

"Yeah, we should go. It's going to be fun," he said with a smile.

"Where's it at?"

"At a sorority," he answered.

"Kayden, I live in a sorority. This building is a sorority. Only for girls," I said.

"Yeah, but the party... Ohhh," he said.

"The party's being held here huh?" I ask.

"Yeah.. the building with only girls in it.." he said. He looks embarrassed.

I'm assuming he got mixed up with 'dorm' and 'sorority'.

"And where do you live in?" I ask him.

"Uh.. a dorm?" he replies.

"A fraternal," I told him.

"Yeah, yeah. Same darn thing."

We were there, sitting on the couch, next to each other. He leaned in to me and pressed his lips onto mines.We moved our lips around and our tongue played with each other. He put his hand on my thigh while my arms are around his neck. He raised his hand higher almost touching my 'girl part'.

I pulled away and said, "Not yet."

He cleared his throat and said, "Right. Sorry."

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