Chapter 12: They're back

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        "What?" I exclaimed, not in an angry tone.

        "Yeah.. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, Susan.." he said looking down.

        "No, it's okay, Kayden.. you.. you should be there.. for your kid," I told him. "Let's just.. let's just..-"

        "No, Susan. I want to be with you," he told me. "I love you and I wanna be with you. Only you. I don't wanna be with Eve and-"

        "But you have a kid with her, Kayden! Go! Let's.. let's just end this. Be with her, Kayden."

        "No! No, Susan! I won't be with her! I don't care! I'm crazy for you, I love you!" he told me.

        "Kayden! Please! Do this for me! We're over. Let's forget about this, that our relationship ever happened. Be a father to your child, please..." I said, tearing up.        

        He held my hand and said, "Su-"

        I yanked my hand away and said, "Go, Kayden! Go!"


        Kayden's POV:

        "Ya see? I told you," Dallas said.

        "It's your fucking fault. I just had to go to that shitty party," I said.

        The door swung open. It was Tina and Eve.. and my kid.. my son.

        "There's your daddy," Eve said. "His name's Tyson."

        Tyson ran to me. "Daddy!" he said.

        I picked him up. "Hi.. son."

        "Well.. then.." Tina said.

        "Wait..." Dallas said.        

        "What?" I ask.

        "He.. he has blond hair.. like me."

        Susan's POV:

        I was in my room, crying the whole day.

        "It's okay, Susan," Sabrina said, stroking my back, up and down.

        "Sabrina.. I don't know what to do.. I..-"

        "You don't have to finish that sentence. You don't have to finish the game either."

        "The game has been over. I have really..-"

        The door swung open and ended with a thud.

        "What the fuck?!" Sabrina yelled.

        I look up to see that it was a man in a black hoodie. I couldn't see his face.


        Kayden's POV:

        "I should have known," I said. "You bitch."

        "I just.. I just dyed his hair! Please Kayden!" Eve cried.

        "Fucking liar! This isn't my kid! We.. we never had sex! What the fuck?!" I yelled. "Dallas, you fucking tricked me! It was you this whole time!"

        "Kayden, please.. listen to me," Dallas begged.

        "No! I don't want to fucken hear it! I'm done with all of you," I left the room and slammed the door.

        I went to Susan's place. Her door was swung open. I couldn't find her anywhere. I saw Sabrina, laying on the floor, unconscious. Face, red, her mouth and nose was bleeding.

        I picked her up and put her on her bed.

        She was finally conscious.

        "What happened?" I asked concerned. "Where's Susan?"

        "A.. A man in a black hoodie took.. took her," she said weakly.

        "What the fuck?!" I yelled.

        "You.. you have to go help her," she said.

        My phone rang.

        "Hello?" I answered.

        "Abandoned warehouse, across the bridge," an unknown guy said. It was a familiar voice.

        I left the sorority and went straight to the warehouse.

        Susan's POV:

        "What are you planning to do?" I ask.

        He pulled his hoodie down.

        "Ni.. Nick?!" I screamed.

        His hair was blond and his eyes were blue.

        "Hey baby. You missed me?" he ask touching my cheeks.

        I spit on his face. "Let me go."

        He wiped the spit and slapped me. It stinged and it really hurted.

        He grabbed my cheeks together and said, "Let's just wait til Kayden gets here.. then we'll have some real fun."

        Kayden's POV:

        "Dad?" I ask. "What are you doing here?"

        "I was gonna ask you the same thing. What are you doing here, son?" he said.

        "My girlfrie-.. my ex is in there and I gotta save her," I told him.

        "Somebody called me and told me that you were going to be here. I was worried so I came."

        "Mom?" I said.

        Dad turned around. "What are you doing here, Claire?" he said.

        "Charlie, I'm not letting you do this alone," mom said.

        "It isn't safe here, you have to go back home," dad said.

        "It was Ella... and Darla. They're back. I got a call from Ella."

        Dad's eyes widened. "They're back?"

        "Who's Ella and Darla?" I ask confused.

        "They're your dad's exes," mom told me.         

        "Shit.. fuckkkk!" dad groaned.

        "Kayden, you know that, that isn't your son, right?" mom asks.

        "Yeah, I know. It's Dallas' son," I said.

        "No." she said. "It isn't."

        "Who is it, then?" I ask.

        "Nick's. Darla's son, Nick," mom told me.

        "And Ella's daughters, Tina and Eve," dad told me.



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