Chapter 10: He said it

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        "You are too sweet," I said to Kayden.

        "Of course I am," he said taking my hand to hold.

        "I had fun, really."

        "Of course you did. I AM fun."

        "You're so dumb," I told him, rolling my eyes. "See ya."

        "Bye," he said releasing me.

        I turned around to go inside the sorority house.

        Kayden's POV:

        I called out her name when she was gonna go inside, "Susan!"

        She turned around, "Yeah?"

         I ran up to her.

         I pressed my lips onto hers. She kissed me back deeper. I picked her up and her legs was around my waist. My arms was around her waist. Her arms around my neck.

        We stopped kissing and leaned towards each other, our foreheads touching.

        "I love you Susan," I said, with no hesitation.

        Susan's POV:

        I was shocked when I heard this. I.. I couldn't say it back. But I was forced to.        

        "I love you too, Kayden."


        "I can't believe you, Susan. You have talent," Sabrina said crossing her arms.

        "What?" I ask, trying to find something to wear.

        "You have to tell me your ways!"

        "Why?" I ask. "You want Dallas back?"

        "Well... yeah. I messed up. Nick was bad..."

        "And you knew it, Brina," I said walking to the bathroom.

        She followed me and ask, "You've fallen for him, huh?"

        I was putting on eyeliner then poked myself in the eye. "Ow! Fuck!"

        "Well, aren't you clumsy.." she said.

        "You just had to say that, didn't you? Made me poke myself in the eye!" I said rubbing my eye.

        "You aren't suppo-"

        "Shit!" I screamed. "My makeup is ruined. Fuck my life. Natural it is."

        "Atleast you knew that.."

        We went to class and I saw Kayden talking to that bitch, Tina.

        I didn't go to him. I just sat down next to Sabrina. Then I saw him walk in. He sat next to me.

        He kissed my cheek and said, "Natural, Susan? I like it."

        "Aha, thanks."

        After class was over, Kayden and I just hungout at his place.

        "Wow, I've actually never been to your 'fraternal' before," I told him.

        "Yeah," he said. "So what do you wanna do?"

        "Why were you talking to Tina in the beginning of class today?" I ask him.

        "What?" he said. "Oh.. she was.. just telling me about..-"

        "About what, Kayden?"

        "Th.. the notes! Yeah, the notes in class yesterday.. since you and I were on a date.." he told me.

        "Oh, okay. But why were your eyes widened at one point?"

        "Uh.. because it.. it was a lot.. yeah.." he looked suspicious.


        "Lies," Sabrina said. "He's a liar. He's lying to you. He's cheating on you. He's-"

        "Okay, Sabrina! I get it," I said. "What do you think they were really talking about?"

        "I don't know, but I don't believe him. Notes, really? We didn't take any notes yesterday! There wasn't even class yesterday! Is he crazy?"


        "Wait.. why do you care all of a sudden?" she asks.

        "Uh.. I don't.."

        "Lies, you like him and you know it. You said that you love him last night."

        "Yeah, but he said it first.." I told her.

        "So that means that it is working! He's gonna get played! Well, he is getting played but he's getting dumped!"

        "Yes he is.."

        "I still can't believe he said it," Sabrina said.

        "Oh, shut up."

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