Chapter 11: Alive

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        Kayden's POV:

        "You actually told her you love her?" Dallas asks raising an eyebrow.

        "Yeah," I replied. "So?"

        "Are you sure you love her? I mean.. you don't do 'LOVE', or 'COMMITMENTS'."

        "Well.. I guess I do then," I said shrugging.

        "You're gonna regret it, dude," he said getting up from the couch.

        "No I'm not," I told him. "Where you going?"

        "I'm going to see Sabrina," he answered.

        "At her and Susan's place?"

        "Nah, somewhere else."

        He left and I was in the 'fraternal' alone, as what Susan likes to call it. Everybody was out. I was bored so I called Susan.

        "Hey babe," I first spoked.

        "Hi," she replied.

        I ask, "What are you doing?"

        "Hm, nothing. I'm bored. Just watching, The Secret Life Of The American Teenager. You?"

        "Oh.. I'm just here laying on the couch, talking to a beautiful human being."

        "Who?" she asks. I can imagining her getting up from where she was sitting, raising an eyebrow, getting jealous.

        "Are you jealous?" I ask.

        "Um.. YEAH!" she raised her voice.

        "It's you, duh. You're the only one I'm talking to, stupid."

        "Hey!" she said. "Who knows? You could be talking to.. um.."

        "Who? Huh?"

        "Uh.. I don't know, a ghost or something.." she replied.


        Susan's POV:

        Kayden and I have been talking for the past 2 hours. He then decided to come over.

        "Hi beautiful," he said wrapping himself around me from behind.

        I held his hand and turned around. "Hellllllllooooooooooo."

        He looked at me crazy. "Why'd you say it like that?"

        "Because I cannnnnnnnnnnnn," I replied.

        "Are you drunk?" he asks.

        "Noooooooooooooooo. But I did eat these very delicious browniesssssss!!" I said jumping up and down.

        "Oh god. Did you eat weed brownies??? There must've been cocaine in there!"

        "Noooooooo, I don't think sooooooooooo, Kaydennnnnn," I said dancing around.

        "You're stoned.. and high, Susan. Lay down," he told me.

        "Nahhhhhh, I wanna danceeee!"

        "Okay, you stink of alcohol too. You did drink!"

        "I didn't, Kayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyden. You're crazyyyyyyyy, boyyyy!"

        "Lay down!" he snapped.

        "Okay, bossyyyyyy pants!" I snapped back.

        "Gooooooo," he said mimicking me.

        "Hey!" I hit him. "Don't mimick meeeeeeeee!"

        He picked me up and had me over his shoulder.

        "Put me dowwnnnnnnn!" I yelled. I was hitting him.

        He went to my bed and threw me on it.

        I went under the covers. "Oh no. You're going to rape meeeeeeeee. Help!!! My boyfriend's going to rapeeeee me!!!"

        He flipped the covers over and said, "I'm not going to rape you, Susan."

        I flipped the covers back over and said, "Liar! I know how you areeeee!"

        I heard the door swung open.

        "Fine leave," I said. "You suck anyway, Kayden."

         "I'm still here, Susan," I heard Kayden said to me.

        I got up from the bed and said, "Who is-"

        "Ohhh, what do you want, biotchhhhh?" I ask Tina.

        "Oh nothing, Susan. I just wanted to see if Kayden told you about what me and him was talking about yesterday," she said.

        "He did. Now get the fuck outtttt."

        "Oh, did he?" she ask, crossing her arms.

        "Yes! I heard that there was a lot of notes! Now go away!" I snapped.

        Her eyes widened. "Notes? What notes?"

        I came back to my senses. Finally, gosh. I was going crazy, couldn't even control myself.

        "Kayden..." I said. "The notes.."

        "Oh! Uh.." he said avoiding my eyes on him.

        "What did Tina tell you yesterday?" I ask, eyeing him like a hawk.

        "So he hasn't told you.. Oooops, sorry. I'll let him. Sorry for interrupting," she said then left.

        "Kayden.. tell me."

        "Alright.. Eve.. Eve..-"

        "Stop hesitating and tell me goddamit!" I yelled.

        "She isn't.. she isn't really dead... and the baby.. the baby is alive..." he told me.


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