Chapter 5: I can't do this

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Kayden and I went downstairs and saw people making out, drinking beer, smoking pot, doing drugs, the list goes on and on. The music was blasting. People as in 'us college students' are just having the time of our lives.

"I'll go get us some drinks," Kayden said.

I nodded, "Okay."

He left.

"Hey!" said Sabrina. "You liking the party?"

"You threw this?" I ask her.

"Well, yeah. But Dallas helped!" she said pointing at Dallas.

"It was her idea!" Dallas said pointing at Brina.

"Not bad though," I said. "So.. what's up with you two? After you two had sex, you're now dating?"

"Yup," they both said.

"You and Kayden are dating and you guys haven't done it yet. Are you guys considering it?" Dallas asks.

"I mean, we've only been dating for like a day or two. And he's ready for it, but I don't think I am yet.." I said.

"You mean.. you're a virgin?" Dallas asked in shock.

"Yeah.. so?"

"Wow, I didn't expect you to-"

"You thought I was a slut? Tina's the slut!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. It means that I'm hot," I said shrugging.

Somebody behind me said, "I agree that you're hot."

I turned around to see that it was Kayden, with the drinks.

"Hey, she's a virgin," Dallas says.

"A virgin?" he asks.

"Yeah, that's me. The virgin.." I said pointing at myself.

"So that means that.. you've never had sex before?" Kayden asks me.

"Isn't that what a virgin means? That you've never had sex before?" I ask him.

"Well, yeah. I thought you weren't one-"

"You're calling me a slut too? Alright, I don't care anymore, okay? I just want to have some fun tonight so let me. Stop judging me," I said as I pushed Kayden and went to the dance floor.

"I'll show you fun," I heard Kayden say.

"I heard that," I said, the pointed my finger in the air.

I drank and I drank. There was some random guys that was grinding on me but I didn't care. I wanted to have the time of my life. Kayden got rid of them.

"Aww, is someone a little jealous?" I ask still dancing.

"Yes, your boyfriend here, is jealous. Because you're my girlfriend, alright?" he said.

"Aw, you're so cute!" I said as I pulled him closer to me and pressed my lips onto his.

I pushed him back and just continued dancing.

Kayden's POV:

"I'll be right back," I said to the drunk Susan.

"Okay, hurry back. I'll miss you," she said.

I went to the bathroom and look in the mirror.

I pulled a condom out of my pocket and said, "Alright Kayden. You can do this. You're a Ridgeway." Not saying that being a Ridgeway is bad. Hey! It runs in the family.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Tina and some dude make out. They went to a bedroom. Hopefully he won't regret it. I mean, I don't.. what am I saying?!

I went back downstairs and saw somebody taking advantage of Susan. They were grabbing her ass and trying to touch her 'chest area'. I quickly ran downstairs and pull the guy who was grabbing her ass and my fist went flying. It was the same guy that was grinding with Susan. I punched the guy who was trying to grab her chest area and they both knocked out. They were drunk. Me, I feel completely fine. A secret about me, when I sleep with a girl, I usually meet them at parties, when I've gotten them, and slept with them, I lie saying that I was drunk, because I'll give the girl a drink and she'll drink it and get drunk pretty quick. Yeah, I'm a douche huh?

"Susan, come on let's go upstairs," I said to her.

"But I'm having fun, Kayden! I wanna dance!" she said.

"You've danced long enough. Time to go upstairs."

"Why?" she asks.

Shit, this never happens.

"Um.. because.. you're tired.." I said. What a lame excuse, Kayden.

She yawns. "Yeah, I'm pretty tired. Take me to my bed please."

I grabbed her by the waist and she put her arms around me. She's so drunk, I can smell the alcohol. I took her to her dorm room and lock the door. I took off her shoes and layed her comfortably on her bed.

Her eyes was closed. She looks so cute when she's drunk and asleep.

I took off my shoes.

I took off my belt and put it on the ground quietly. I took off my shirt but.. decided to put it back down. I took off my pants but.. decided to pull it back up. I can't do this to her. Other guys has tried to take advantage of her. I.. I couldn't do this to her. I took out the condom and threw it away in the trashcan. It was 3am and people were still partying hard downstairs. I eventually fell asleep right next to her.

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