Chapter 2: I want you, you want me

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        "Hey.. it's Susan right?" Kayden asks.

        This little piece of shit..

        "Yes," I replied.

        He sat down, right next to me.

        "Well.. I'm just gonna go now.." Sabrina said then left to sit somewhere else.

        "I'm Kayden," he says. "Nice to meet your beautiful self."

        "Yeah, Kayden. I've heard of you." I turned the other way. You suck, Sabrina.

        I turned to look back at him.

        "You have heard of me? I'm that popular huh?" he asks with his signature smirk. I hate it.

        He was staring at me with his piercing blue eyes. I look back at them with my light brown eyes. His soft pink lips was so tempting. His muscles showed. His abs was showing underneath his white tank top under a blue flannel. His black skinny jeans had a hole on the knee. His dark brown hair was messy but hot messy.

        "You can stop checking me out now because I stopped checking you out," he said smirking.

        I came back to my senses.

        "What?" I ask.        

        "I'm just kidding. I'll never stop checking out this hot babe sitting right next to me."

        "You came over to sit next to me. You can leave now," I said rolling my eyes.

        "Ou, fiesty. I like. Playing hard to get? I like a challenge," he said nodding his head.

        "I'm-" Wait, I shouldn't be playing hard to get.. maybe I should.. I don't know..

        "Actually.." I said.

        "Actually, what? You should go on a date with me."

        "A date?" I exclaimed.         

        "Yeah, a date."

        "What kind of a date is it..?" I ask.

        "A bed date," he answered then winked.

        "Ohhh, your favorite! How cute!" I said pinching his cheeks.

        He grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him. "Is that a yes?"

        We were so close to each other, that I could barely breathe. Our lips was like 2 inches away from touching.

        "Outside you two, Mr. Ridgeway and Ms. Sunshine," Mr. Apella (the teacher/professor) insisted.


        I could feel him staring at my ass as we walked out of the classroom.

        "Stop staring at my ass, Kayden," I said to him crossing my arms. "My eyes are up here."

        He looked up at me and said, "You have such a nice ass. You must've gotten plastic surgery, huh?"

        "What? No, anyways-"

        "Anyways, how about that date?" he asks walking closer to me.

        "Hm.. nahh," I replied. "I'm not into 'going on dates'."

        "Oh, you prefer the bed before dates, huh? Me too, but you seem like a mature girl."

        "Mature? Oh, you've mistaken me from being nice. I'm not nice."

        "Well, you were in high school," he said, smirking once again. He looks so hot smirking though.


        "You were too, Kayden. You were sooooo cute-"

        "But now I'm hotter now, huh?" he asks pulling my waist. Our bodies touching.        

        "Hm.. I guess-"

        "You just admit that I'm hot! You like me don't you, Susan Sunshine?" he asks.

        Ugh, I hate my last name.

        "No, Kayden Ridgeway," I said pulling myself away from him.

        He pulled me back and whispered in my ear, "I know you want me."        

        I can feel his breath against my ear and neck. It gave me the shivers.

        I put my finger under his chin and pulled him to face me, "I think it's the other way around."

        "Since you won't go on a date with me.. how about a kiss?" he asks.

        "A kiss? Hm.. I prefer the date," I replied.

        "I though you don't do dates, just beds?"

        "I never said that! I never said that I do 'beds'!" I hit his arm.

        Class ended and Sabrina finally came out.

        "Hey," she said. "Ouuu, you two are getting close already?"

        I pulled away from Kayden and said, "Let's go, Brina."

        I was walking with Sabrina back to our dorm and heard Kayden say, "I'll see you around, babe!"


        "Did you guys kiss?" Sabrina asks curiously.

        "No!" I said. "We didn't any of that!"

        "It's hard to believe that you're still a virgin," she said.

        "You are one too, aren't you," I said to her.

        "Well.. um.." she said avoiding my eyes.

        "Really, Brina?! With who?!" I ask curiously.

        "Now you're curious. And.. with Dallas."

        "Dallas?! Oh my god! Kayden's friend?! Wow, you go girl!" I said. "How was it?"

        "I honestly.. don't recommend doing it.." she said to me looking down.

        I ask, "Why..? Not that I wa-"

        "Just kidding! It's was great! It was so warm and-"

        "Okay, stop. I don't wanna listen to you go into detail. Just stop right there, Brina."

        Kayden's POV:

        "You're already hitting it off, bro!" Dallas says to me.

        "Yeah, I know she wants me."

        "Or maybe you want her."

        "I do. She's a babe! Of course I want her sexy ass," I told him.

        "See? She isn't a goody goody anymore. Just like how you aren't a-"

        "Shut up, Dallas. Don't bring back the past. I hate it," I said.






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