Chapter 14: Rick

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        Nick drops to the ground. It was a police officer who shot him.

        "Nick!" I heard a girl yelled.

        There was a little boy, who looked about 2 or 3. He ran to Nick and so did the girl.

        "That's Eve.. and Tyson. Tyson isn't my son. He's Nick's son," Kayden told me.

        I wsa shocked. My eyes widened.


        It has been 3 days after that incident. Kayden and I haven't talked those past days. Well.. I didn't want to talk to him.

        "Let's go out to lunch," Sabrina suggested.

        "Nah, I don't wanna. I'm not hungry," I told her.

        "You have to eat. I don't get it. Kayden saved you and you won't let yourself talk to him. What's wrong, Susan?" she asks getting up from the couch.

        "I.. I don't know, Brina. I just.. I'm just afraid.."

        "Afraid of what?"

        "I don't know.. I don't want to talk to him yet," I said.

        She sighed and grabbed my wrist. " Let's go eat!" she said dragging me out of the sorority.

        We went to a little diner on campus. It was one of Sabrina's favorite place to eat.

        "I'll have a medium cheese burger, please. And with a coke. Thanks," Sabrina said to the waitress.

        The waitress said, "Okay." she turned to me. "What would you like, miss?"

        "I'll just have a plate of french fries," I told her looking down.

        Sabrina kicked me under the table.

        "Ow!" I yelped.

        The waitress looked confused.

        "She'll have a medium cheeseburger as well. Along with a milkshake," Sabrina told her.

        "Coming right up," she said. She left to get our meal.

        I kicked Sabrina back, but harder.

        "You're paying for this!" I said rolling my eyes.

        "Deal," she said. "But you have to eat all of it."

        "You suck."

        "You love me," she said grinning.

        The waitress came back with our food.

        After we ate, I decided to go jogging. Sabrina went to class.

        I changed into my jogging pants and a tank top. I played music into my earbuds and jog away.

        All of a sudden I heard jogging behind me. I didn't want to look because fo the incident 3 days ago. I'm still frightened.

        I heard the person behind me jogged faster. I started running. The person started running after me. I then came to a corner. I didn't want to wait for cars to stop so I just ran across the road where there were cars, honking at me. I ignored them and got to the other side. I looked back and didn't anybody. I turned around and bumped into somebody.

        "Kayden?" I asked.

        "Hi," he said.

        "What are you doing?" I ask confused.

        "I was trying to reach up to you but you were running away from me," he told me.

        "That was you?!" I exclaimed.

        He nodded, "Yes."

        I hit him. "I almost died when I was running across the road! What the hell?! I hate you!"

        I pushed him and jogged away. He came after me.

        "You hate me?" he asks grabbing my arm.

        "Let go," I told him.

        "Aw, come on, Susan. What did I do this time?"

        "Let me go, Kayden!" I snapped.

        There was a person behind me. "Is this guy bothering you?" the person asks.

        I turned around to see a tall man, light brown hair, sparkly green eyes. He was pretty muscular but not as muscular as Kayden. He was very handsome.

        I looked back at Kayden.

        "Yes," I answered.

        The guy said, "You should let her go."

        Kayden got infront of me and said, "Excuse you, you should know your place. She happens to be my girlfriend."

        I push Kayden out of the way. "Go away, Kayden!" I told him.        

        I took the guy's arm and ran away from Kayden with him.

        I look behind me, Kayden didn't bother following us.

        "You're his girlfriend, eh?" he asks.

        "Nah, we use to date. But that was a game," I told him.

        We stopped walking. "A game?" he asks confused.

        "Yeah, he's a little player. No, a BIG player, a bad boy. You know, all the synonyms of 'player'. That's what he is. He plays with girls hearts so I decided to play with his."

        "Oh, you're a smart girl."

        I blushed a little. "Thanks, I guess."

        "What's your name?" he asked.

        "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't tell you my name. I'm Susan. What's yours?"

        "I'm Rick," he said to me with a bright smile.

        Hm.. Rick sounds like Nick.

        "Oh. So.." I said awkwardly. We were standing infront of each other.

        "So.." he said. "Uh.. what do you like to do for fun?"

        "Huh?" I ask.

        "Sorry, just trying to make a conversation here."

        "Ah, sorry. I like to... hmm.. I don't even know. You?"

        "I like to.. KIDNAP GIRLS!" he said with a evil smile.

        He picked me up and had me over his shoulder. I was hitting him to let me go.



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