Chapter 7: Sure I do

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        Kayden's POV:

        "Wow, you are talented," Dallas said.

        "Haha.. yeah.. yes I am.." I said.

        "You still going to see her?" he asks.

        "Eh, I don't know.." I shrugged.

        "At first, she was playing hard to get, kinda.. But now, you guys are all over each other! What happen to, 'being scared of commitments', huh, Kayden? And 'love'?

        "It's still the same, Dallas. Hasn't changed."

        Susan's POV:

        "You're falling for him!" Sabrina teased.

        "No I am not, Brina! I am not falling for him! Remember, this is just a game!" I told her.

        "Lies," she said then rolled her eyes.

        "It's the tru-"

        She opened the door then left.

        That bitch, I swear. Gotta love her ass.

        The door swung open. It was Kayden.

        "Hey," he first spoked.

        "Hi, Kayden," I said then walked towards him.        

        "How are you feeling, babe?" he asks then gave me a little peck on the lips.

        "I'm good. So, what brings you here?"

        "Eh, I'm bored." he said shrugging. "And I wanted to see my 'girlfriend'."

        "Hm.. girlfriend eh? I though you were afraid of commitments?" I ask.

        "Well, we both said that we were going out so.. you're my girlfriend, and I'm your boyfriend," he said pulling me closer to him.

        "Um.. yeah, Kayden. I don't want our 'relationship' to be just about 'sex'."

        "It's not," he said. "This is forreal."

        We leaned forward and our lips touched.

        "Aw, aren't you guys cute?" a familiar voice spoked.

        Kayden and I pulled away from each other and saw that it was Tina.

        "What are you doing here?" Kayden asks.

        "Why? I can't be here to see my 'best friend'?" she said.

        That's right, Tina and I use to be best friends. Back in elementary school and high school. We stopped in grade 10 because of stupid misunderstandings, and drama.

        "Get the fuck out, Tina. We aren't best freinds," I told her.

        "That's my girl," I heard Kayden say.

        "Whatever," she said then rolled her eyes. "I'm out of here."

        "Nobody wanted you here anyway." I said crossing my arms. "Stupid bitch."

        "You're so fierce." Kayden said. "I like it.. alot." I look at him. "Especially in bed."

        I hit him and he started laughing. "Shut up, Kayden! You're so gross!"

        Later that day, Kayden and I have been talking non-stop. We were talking about high school.

        "I miss those old days." I said.

        "Me being a geek?" he asks.

        "Yah, you were so cuteeeee," I said looking up at him and pinching his cheeks.

        We were laying on the couch watching 'American Horror Story'.

        A/N: I love AHS <3

        "You were too. So sweet and innocent," he said moving my hair away from my face, that was falling.

        "I'm not sweet and innocent now?" I ask him.

        His eyes was back on the screen. "No, you still are. But you're more fierce. Back in high school, you were quiet as fuck. You were so shy. So tiny and small."

        "Are you referring to my boobs and ass?"

        "Eh, kinda. But your personality and looks has changed. But I still like it." he winked at me.

        "I love him," I said staring at the screen.

        "Huh? Who do you love?" Kayden ask me.

        I looked at him. "Tate. AKA, Evan Peters." I put my eyes back on the screen. "He is sooooo hot."

        "Well then.. I like.." I gulped. "I mean love.. Violet. AKA, Taissa Farmiga," he said trying to make me jealous.

        "You're so dumb, Kayden," I told him shaking my head.

        "Yeah, but you like me for it. And my other talents.. and looks," he said chuckling.

        "Sure I do."

        SURE I DO...

        A/N: I didn't really have any ideas for this chapter. I just, basically threw things in here xD Hope you guys still enjoyed! (;




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