Chapter 18: Nightmare

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        "I've missed you," Kayden said rubbing his hand up and down my arm.

        I look up at him. "Please," I said.

        "What?" he asks. "I want you to meet my parents."

        My eyes widened. "What? I.. I already met them?"

        "Properly," he says.


        "Don't be nervous," he said intertwining our hands.

        I squeeze his hand. "Sorry. What if your parents don't like me?"

        "You're overreacting. It's okay. They'll like you. Besides, they've been wanting to meet you. Properly. And talk to you. "

        I look up at him. "You.. you told them about me?" I ask.

        He nods. "Yup. And plus, they know who you are."

        We went inside his house.

        "Hi! Susan, is it?" Kayden's mom asked.

        I nodded. "Yeah. Hi, Mrs. Ridgeway and Mr. Ridgeway. Nice to finally talk to you.. properly." I was so nervous.

        "We've been wanting to talk to you! Kayden talks nonstop about you. And we can see why." Mrs. Ridgeway said.

        We've been talking for the past 10-15 minutes. It was really fun actually.

        "Well.. it was nice talking to you! " I said smiling.

        "Yes, it was! Bye! Hope to see you again, Susan!" Mr. Ridgeway said.

        "Goodbye!" Mrs. Ridgeway waved.

        Kayden and I left the house and went in his car. He looked into the small mirror.

        "What are you looking at?" I ask.

        "Hold on. I'll be back," he said to me getting out of his car.

        I turned around to see where he was going. He went up to a car. A girl came out of it. They both hugged. HUGGED. What? Why would he hug a random girl, knowing that his girlfriend is inside his car? She gave him something. It was bag. There might be something in there. They were talking. The girl was stunning though.

        Kayden went back inside the house then came back to the car.


        "What's wrong?" Kayden asks.

        "Nothing.." I replied.

        "Come on, Susan. What's wrong? You didn't talk the whole car ride. What did I do this time?"

        "No, no. You didn't do anything wrong." I open the car door and went inside.

        "Can I meet your parents?" he asks.

        I look at him. "My MOM. She's the only parent I have."

        "Oh.. I'm sorry."

        "Nah, it's okay. I don't know what happened to my dad. I never met him so.."

        "Can I meet your MOM then?"

        I cross my arms. "No, maybe another time. You should go back home."

        "Uh.. okay. See ya," he said then drove off.

        I went inside my house and it was awfully quiet. What am I saying? It's always quiet.

        I went upstairs to my room and text Sabrina. 'Kayden hugged a girl and it wasn't me.'

        'Oh no. Who is she?' she replied.

        'I don't know. But she is gorgeous though. I could see why..'

        'What are you planning to do, Susan?'

        I sigh. 'Nothing.'

        I set my phone down and took a 10 minute nap.

        "No! No! Please! Don't take our daughter away from me! You can't do this! She's our daughter! Why are you doing this?"

        "I have no choice! Now, give me her!"

        "Why are you doing this to your own daughter! Don't you even care?"


        I woke up breathing heavily. What was that dream? I mean.. nightmare. It was terrifying.


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