𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎

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'Sometimes its important to stop

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'Sometimes its important to stop. When everything is going wrong ,stop-for even just a moment-and alone, in your head everything will. Nothing sad and worrisome or frightning and dangerous will be there to push you down , giving one a peice of mind to breath in some of the little quiet and sollitude we have in these times. It is always important to clear ones head in rough areas of life, and it helps so much more, yet does so little at the same time.'

This was what my father told me when i was a little boy. I was only around the age of seven so i barley understood what it ment then , yet i always remembered. Like how i still remember how me ,my late mother and my father ran over the grassy planes of the medows , covered head to toe in grass and flower petals ,while having the time of our lives playing a game of tag or hide and seek. That meadow is the same too this day. It was a like an artists colour pallet filled with beautiful experiments , pink over there and green over here , to the right a blood red and sky blue to the left. Cyan and magenta dotted all around ,and others too. However,my utmost favourite flowers were the snowy white roses that towered above all the others. I dont know why but they always took my breath away. Infact, Me and my mother would sit still-gazing at the sheer beauty that they possessed for days on end if we could but settled with the minutes we had-there was always something to be done. I always felt something from the roses like they were telling me something when i were to look at them. It was almost like they were saying 'you are loved' and 'you are not alone' and it felt comforting. I believe thats why i carry a picture of a white rose in my pocket and still do to this day, It reminds me of these times. When i had a family.

But now i know what my father ment when he said to stop and take a breath, it helps, and i really do need help. I have just got off the phone with a group of legalised business men and women who decided that those with dangerous quirks need to be strapped away and put to a standstill. Ok maybe not exactly that but i dont see why i should be going to a school for heros if i dont want to be a hero anyway! Half way through the semester mind you!

They bargained with me and i was forced to agree. If i didnt want to be sent to the mental ward with my dad for those with bloodlust quirks , then i must join UA high school, a school full of hero wannabes. Apparently Nezu ,the principal ,directly asked for me, he is a delusional being who thinks someone with a quirk like mine would be a very strong alliance to the hero's.

Now if im being honest ,when i was little i loved hero's ,but i wasnt one to like the big hero's on all the billboards like all might or endeavour, i was always inspired by the smaller hero's. The ones who stay underground doing hero work and not for popularity but souly because the want to help people.

That changed when she died.

There were heros there but what did they do?

Watch her drown in her own blood.

At that point i was a ten year old and it was Christmas eve, like every year we went out to the big park just outside of Musutafu and sang all our favourite carols next to the Christmas tree. It was brilliant, we were singing with everyone, families and hero's but then somebody at the back pulled out a gun while stupid drunken hero's-with situation fitted quirks-stood there with their beers and whisky and just watched my mother get shot-infront of her family-in the neck seven times. We were pleading people for help which most did but what did the heros do? Walk away.
She died that day and me and my father were sad beyond belief. We eventually moved on but it is still painful.

With permission from the towns council we buried my mom in the center of park in front of the humongous oak tree. At that time we lived in the small town she died in and everybody loved her. She was the sweetest woman you could ever meet and everyone, even higher ups mourned her death. So every Christmas eve everybody from the village , from the young to old , gather around her grave and sing a song i wrote for her that they know off by heart ,while i strum the guitar sitting next to the stone surrounded in flowers and gifts. But never does anybody place the gifts on the shiny rock slate for that is were me and my father place our white roses.

That is why i despise heros and i know that not all of them are like that but to me a hero is a hero and heros should not be forgiven.

Though i am intruiged by the heros in training this year, I happened to watch the sports festival on my tv and they were very impressing -especially class 1a. They have strong minds and powerful quirks so i know they will make it far. And i do belive that nezu is putting me into class 1a after our meeting tomorrow. But right now i feel like taking a walk down to the cafe down the road. I dont live in the village anymore however often visit. I just had to get away and so did my dad but im sure the hospital is doing good for him. Despite the awful therapedic training they all had from Dr jandeen wiloldam an English proffeser who majors in psychiatry-the people there were responsible and respectable so i couldn't really hate them.

༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つno-ones pov

Kasai yawned-stretching lightly as he picked up his keys from the kitchen counter, where he also picked up his wallet. Looking inside he had roughly five thousand yen in there to burn through today- Kasai still had more that he hadn't used but this was just in his wallet-he was going to recive an income of seventy thousand yen from Nezu himself which will happen every month every month which is more than enough to survive for two months.

Anyway, After he grabbed his keys , kasai called out to
Hanako ,who came running around the corner. Hanako is one of just many pets-just more social. She lept with her feline strength-landing on Kasais shoulder waiting as he petted Hoshi on his large head who responded with a nuzzle then a large yawn-another one of his very many pets the lazy tiger.

Chuckling , Kasai opened his door to be met with a strong breeze and the smell of freshly cut grass with newly bloomed blossom, not to mention the devine smell of the widow Mrs greener's delicious cooking.Kasai loved where he lived and is never going to leave the area he swore that to himself. He picked up his skateboard. It was a black and white print made with wood and a blush pink colour coated the wheels. It was slightly wet but the breeze must have dried most of last nights rain off.

He loves the people. He loves the housing. He loves it all.

He may not show much emotion while around others but he's getting better and everyone knows he loves them in his own way.
For a minute or two , Kasai stood there admiring the way water droplets dripped off the leaves and blossom and the soft looking clouds that barley took up any of the light blue sky. Looking away from the sky Kasai had an idea.
"Hanako shall we race? if i slide down the railing on my board and you run it will be fair?"

Getting a meow in return, he classed it as a yes and held his arm down to the floor for Hanako to run down, which he did.Jumping onto the railing, Kasai redirected his body position so he could position his board better and began to count down.



Kasai and Hanako , made their way down the stairs or railing in kasai's case ,at a wicked speed loving the adrenaline coursing through their veins. They passed down a few meters exited by the thrill

"Oh hello Kasai dear! having fun are we?"
Mrs Greener saw the boy passing, while reading a book in the sun on her balcony and laughed, fill of joy from his go-happy mood
"Yes Mrs Greener! Good evening ill see you when i get back!"

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𝙴𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷

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