𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎

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Kasai's pov...

A man wrapped in a cloak of animal fur rounded the corner laughing like a madman while being chased by Enji Todoroki or Pro hero-Endeavour.Who just so happened to spare a glance my way. Strange ... maybe we've met each other before or maybe its because im on-top of his son clinging onto his arm like its my life force? Oh well could be either, time for ramen!

I just shrugged my shoulders at the internal debate-earning a few not so subtle-strange glances from the people around. I should really stop talking to myself or people are going to think im crazy. Though to be fair, its not like im completely sane either.

Oh wait...we're not eating ramen we're at the arcade. Bummer. Maybe if the villain goes away faster we could go there too?I am quite hungry today.

"Hey if the villain and Endeavour finish fighting-can we get ramen too?"

Kirishima being the only one not watching the fight and listening rest his hand on his chin and answered.

"Sure i dont suppose why not, Todoroki likes cold soba so im sure hell agree"

So Clapping my hands in delight that my hunger would be fed-i made up my mind as soon as i heard the consent. My fingers twitched -as if electrocuted-as i readied my quirk for use.

In front of me-like i wanted it to- a large reflective oval
Appeared, the size of two grown men. It was a project of mine that I've been experimenting doing with my quirk- as soon as i step in i appear exactly where i want and not inside the mirror world-or in this case wherever i want someone else to go but it can be draining.

If this works yay well if not then crappy dresser dies- totally not my fault.

I flicked my fingers towards the villain and in pursuit, the portal followed the movements. In two secondes it was over. I flicked the portal over him and when he entered through the man-you could say was 'evaporated'- was now in a a cell in the police's office.

"A'ight time for games then ramen."

I turned around expecting to see them walking ahead already-but was shocked when they were standing still,staring at me in awe- much like those around them who we don't even know.

It was awkward-so awkward you could cut its tension with a knife.

"Soo we going to go or..."

"WHAT THE F-" Just before he swore kirishima covered Bakugo's mouth at a terrifying speed- avoiding a commotion in the crowed.

"Masao.... what the hell was that?"

Are these guys stupid?

"My quirk? What else would it be-Big Man paying a visit to us lowly humans in pity-saving us from a 'terrifying villain', i dont think so"

Even i could taste the sarcasm dripping from my tongue in that sentence,but do feel bad for projecting that on Shoto though, poor baby.....

"Can we go now? Im gonna beat your ass's at the arcade."


This Bakugo kid is getting really really annoying, does he not no how to shut up?

"Kasai Masao."

I turned around-not even startled by the rather deep voice. "You need something pal?" The guy turned out to be Endeavour. Yay.

"Shoto i expect you home this weekend for training remember that, and Masao-you cocky brat-dont get so close to my son AND don't interfere with a hero's job scum"

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, the mistress not happy or something.

"Sure sure whatever, can't promise the son thing though he's quite a specimen"

In the back i could slightly see Shoto blush and you could say i was pretty proud it was me that caused it.

"Oh yeah? Well try your hardest. Shoto has no room for people like you no less a boy, no one son of mine will be gay."

This son of a-

I was ready to slap the old Todoroki across the face when Aizawa stepped up out of nowhere.

"Kasai get back to school, Nezu would like a word with you"

Oh crap.....

King of hearts||Shoto Todoroki x Male reader||Where stories live. Discover now