𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎

Kasai looked at Shoto , drawn in by the cheeky grin that stretched his across beautiful face-looking so bright it was blinding to the human eye

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Kasai looked at Shoto , drawn in by the cheeky grin that stretched his across beautiful face-looking so bright it was blinding to the human eye. He was standing and staring up at Kasai with a rare playful look. However that said smirk dropped when one ,almost as quickly, danced its way onto Kasai's face.

He watched in the matter of seconds, how Kasai vanished for a split half a second and then re-appeared with his strong pale arms wrapped around the smaller's waist. His face was nuzzled into the crook of Todoroki's neck. This action managed to stir Heat in Shoto-flooding him from his toes to the last strand of his hair, rising up in a vivid red like the amusement that filled Kasai- the same amount of Shotos obvious embarrassment. Todoroki could feel the warm breath that was Kasai's on his neck and couldn't manage to form proper words. The grip Masao had on him was strong and Shoto knew he wouldn't be able to get out of it so he just went with the flow. Just How strong is Kasai Masao?

After trying and failing many times Shoto succeded in getting a sentence out but fumbled over his words in fluster. Also trying to wriggle out of the boys grip in fear of anyone seeing them-though he knew he wouldn't win.

"W-wh-why w-wont you l-let g-go?"

This seemed to spur on Kasai to flirt more as he burrowed his face deeper into Shotos neck.

"Well Sho-chan your so soft!i just couldn't resist!"Saying that , Kasai snaked his arms further around Shotos abdomen- continuing to further fluster the poor boy.

"Ok next question Koa"
Kasai lifted his head up from Shotos neck and turned him around so there bodies were face to face and flush together.

"Wait before you ask, Koa?"

"Well you are very strangely fearless to be doing this to me, someone you met just yesterday so i believe the name fits, furthermore i was given advice to be less formal to those of my classmates so this is how i will do s-so"

He felt a fluttering feeling his stomach when Todoroki called him that, his face didn't turn red but the tips of his pointed ears did and smoke left them like a steam train. It was foreign to him, this feeling that is and he loved it. His heart was beating so fast he was sure that Shoto could feel it. Not that he would mind though-he wants the boy thats so close to him to know how he made him feel.

They just met yet Kasai felt like one moment away from this boy and he would die-there right on the spot. Perhaps he was just drawn to the boy that's head was still resting on Kasai's chest- god really was on his side. What i mean by that is ever since his mother passed, getting closer to people was not a top priority. His dad had gone loopy without the love of his life-he already was but loosing lania sent him off his rockers. Mr Masao had picked up a drinking habbit that ended up with him in an asylum that was also a mental hospital-ontop of that just a regular hospital. However he does get to see his son at the weekends.

Back to topic, Shoto looked up to Kasai-directly in the eyes and with a burning confidence.

"Please let me go, this close im afraid those around us will get the wrong impression of the situation i am in. I cant say the same for you though,you are the one holding me like this."

Sassy. Shoto has really stepped up his game that screams hard to get, but Kasai was a skilled-lacking experience-but still skilled flirt so he has the best pick up line as a come back tho when he was about to say it a certain someone burst in through the double doors like the pink queen she is.

"Well anywa-"


While Kasai stared at mina in surprise, Sho finally wriggled-out of his grasp and took a large step away ,looking down with a fresh blush. Mina was holding a very stylish outfit in one hand and different choices of hats in the other -standing still just staring at the boys infront of her-barely holding back her squeels.
"THIS IS PERFECT. We were only going to dress Masao up but since Todoroki is so close to you we can put you in matching outfits!"

Shoto sweat dropped and tried to take a step back discreetly but Kasai-again-hooked his arm around the boys waist and smirked answering for the boy.

"Sure seems like.....fun"Kasai whispered the last word directly into Shotots ear but loud enough for Mina to hear, and as a reaction she squealed louder than before.

"Lets get you dressed!"

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