𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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Eh who cares what others think he would be fine

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Eh who cares what others think he would be fine...right?

He pondered on that thought for a while, lost in his own mind and sipping his drink but was interupted when a ping ran through the small cafe. Nobody stopped what they were doing though , it was just a noise, it wasn't life threatening, but Kasai did. He swiftly pulled his phone from his front pocket and typed in the password. He checked through his emails, suspecting the message to be from UA and sure enough,he was correct. Kasai opened the email and read through the words in his head, Very carefully so he didnt miss a single thing and his eyes widened when he read the final sentence of the large paragraph. He jumped up from were he was once sitting and yelled out aloud 'what' In suprise.

Nezu, The principle wanted him to move into the dorms of 1-a. The young boy didn't want to, but what could he do? If he disobeyed, he would be shipped off to a mental ward , specifically his fathers. He couldn't do anything about it, so finishing his drink he debated on what to bring. But ended up deciding that nothing in his house was to be changed so he decided that everything will be bought new. He could do that online now-he did have the money for it.


Mrs Greener was a lovely woman, as nice as they could come ,so when the devestation filled her face and she cried, Kasai immediately felt guilty. He had just told her that he had to move and the woman was distraught , just about ready to sprint over to UA and wack Nezu repeatedly over the head -with her cane of shame.

"I promise every other day,after school i will visit. Weekends too!"

He was desperate

This lovely woman helped him with everything

So the least he could do was give her his time.

The old woman chuckled and wipped away her tears, also bringing in Kasai for a hug.she softly whispered in his ear.
"thats all i could ask for, your part of my family bambi, oi dont cry like this old hag."
He was so caught up that his neighbour was crying he didnt know he was crying. But he did now. He felt the warm,salty tears flow down his cheeks like little dropplets from a tap. He knew it was because he didnt want to leave Mrs Greener.

He scrunched up his fave in disgust and Mrs Greener just laughed. She new that Kasai doesnt like showing emotions around others, even those close to him as it makes him feel weak and vulnerable.

"Mrs greener, shall we have our royal supper?" Kasai finally spoke with a British tint after the silence that had surrounded him.

"We shall my dear"


Kasai is bored. He has been standing outside the gates of UA on his phone,with Hanako on his shoulder  , leaning against a nearby tree for twenty minutes. He was receiving the odd stares from passers by and the students entering the school, probably because of the cat hanging over his shoulder like a leech.

It was Monday morning,a fresh week beginning and Kasai was about to to go to a meeting with UA staff. He had received a text earlier that a man named Shota Aizawa will be arriving to pick him up shortly, but the only thing that has exited the building was a large yellow worm ,which by the way made Hanako hiss,
and half way down the path it stopped and just lay there. But the cloud daddy , the big man upstairs,must not have gifted Kasai with smarts,as the worm started shuffling towards him ,grumbling out odd noises.

꧁꧂Kasai's pov꧁꧂

Two minutes later, the worm rose up and dropped its skin to reveal a......homeless man?

No it wasn't a homeless man, he had a badge hung round his neck but the wrong way round. So this must be Shota Aizawa? Cant say im surprised by his looks. Teaching a bunch of hormonal teens must be exhausting.

He walked up to me and gave me a curt nod and opened his mouth to speek.
"Good morning problem child, im Aizawa. You must be Masao?"
Honestly last night i barely slept, so all i could manage without yawning was a small 'mmhm'
"Alright then follow me" Aizawa turned around and headed through the gate into the school with me trailing behind him.

We entered the school building, the translucent lights were shining so bright when i walked in i was practically blind ,so i shielded by eyes with my arms. Me and the grumpy man walked up three sets of stairs and along the corridor to be greeted by the mouse himself. He opened the door and gestured me to come in while dismissing Aizawa back to his classroom.
"Good morning Mr Masao, please take a seat at the end of the table next to Power-loader sensei"
I nodded in confirmation and walked over to the chair. It was black and cushioned so when i sat down , Hanako jumped with fright not expecting a thump,and i accidentally zoned out.
This made any sort of tiredness wash away . I jumped up ,slamming both my clenched hands on the metal table,creating a dent and making the teachers flinch,Hanako's eyes shot open, and he jumped in fright so i lifted him off my shoulder and placed him on the table. They new about Hoshi? How. I didn't tell anyone other than Mrs Greener. I snarled at them. They could take him away from me but im not gonna let them
"Well Masao when we sent the package a man, his name was keigo, peeped into your house because well......we dont want to let a villain into UA do we?" Nezu chuckled at the end of his miniature speech and was about to start talking but i cut him off with my words while also holding a hand up to say stop.
"You go through MY house without MY permission and laugh about it? How dare you. No i am not going to get rid of my tiger nor will i my cat ,so if you are going to take them away then i will much prefer life in the mental ward were they will at least LET ME KEEP MY GODDAMN PETS!!!"
"MR....Masao we were going to do no such thing, in fact we agreed that you could bring him to the living arrangements if he if by any chance non-aggressive?"

I am sHoOkEtH

"Ooh......ok then He is to much of a lazy lap cat to be violent sir"

And for half an hour we negotiated on rules and my living situation.

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