𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎♡︎♥︎꧁꧂꧁꧂♥︎♡︎

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꧁꧂𝙽𝚘𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟꧁꧂

The boy sat there, staring at Tenya with a steely glare, stiring up fearful emotions in class 1-a. They didnt now yet that they had a new classmate as Aizawa didnt have the energy to explain this morning, he had used it walking the said new kid to Nezu. the class found this boy yummy, all of his facial features seemed to be in even proportion to one and other and his hair looked silky black and soft to the touch. It was like he had been sleeping for days but gracefully so. His bed hair was all over the place and his eyes were still droopy ,but he managed to scare the class rep with just his eyes . So that earned him a decent amount of respect from Bakugo.

Long before waking the boy up though. Shoto had left. The boy maybe good looking ,however he had more important things to do than stare at a guy creepily -like a stalker. So he left, not even bothering to say bye to his fellow classmates, and took the elevator up to his room.

Iida's lip was lightly quivering under the strangers glare and he really was tempted to look away, but decided against it as he was a hero in training and he needs to stay strong . So he stared right back at the stranger until hé began talking.
"Im Kasai, your new classmate id expect you would want to be friends however i have a tendency not to stay close to people so i gave you a warning"
All the class could do was nod in confirmation, too enticed by the raspy voice produced by the boy who they now new as Kasai. After Kasai spoke Iida ,who was very embarrassed, drowning him in apologies ,bowing at a ninety degree angle. One by one everyone introduced themselves, not getting much out of Kasai but still.

♡︎❤︎𝚔𝚊𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟❤︎♡︎

These people are practically desperatate, all surrounding me bellowing out their names and complementing my looks. I really do hate complements on my looks , as most generally believe my quirk is a vampire, like one judging a book by its cover. Its just genetics. Yes i may have to drink blood once in a while, however i can live off of human food and people call me rude names based on a vampire. But also because i get them mainly from my mother.

I counted the names of all the strangers and added them up to only see that someone way missing. Oh, it was the remarkable boy who looked like he had alot of traumatic experiences, from the sports festival and the one who is a dorm room away from me. Guess he was fed up with his friends fawning over a sleeping stranger. Personally i dont judge him,i would leave too.

A male with round-purple-grape-like spheres ontop of his head in a hair style like a mawhawk stepped forward with wide eyes and drool dripping down the side of his mouth. He opened his mouth and i was absolutely disgusted.
"Do you ever sneak into girls showers and drink their blood?"
Before-you could say pervert, i had kicked him on his back and sent him flying out of the living room , finishing with a dust off of my hands.

But i got quite the shock when all the girls surrounded me and fell to their knees, praying to me and showering me in thank yous. Im pretty sure one was in latin. Kaminari on the other hand, stood there with the classic anime tears flowing like rivers down his cheeks , wondering why he cant have a harem of girls praising him like that and wallowing in self pity.

I was disappointed in the fact that we had pervs in the class, its a hero school and although i dont like the idea of heroism they should still have morals like not being creeps! Anyway after the trash was disposed of, a perky looking girl with pink cheeks who told me her name was Ochako Uraraka pursed her lips, muttering about how disgusting the grape is.
"Hey pink cheeks, who was he?"


"Yes, is there a problem?"

A boy from behind her with green hair, kinda plain looking stepped forward and if im right nervously chuckled
"Well thats what K-Kacchan calls her, y'know as a 'insulting' name. Kacchan isn't a very ...friendly person"
Seriously, who is Kacchan? Before i can ask, a boy with red hair spiked up-and with shark like teeth steps forward, and answered my un-asked question.
"He means Bakugo, hes the loud blonde in the back"
"Calm down Bakubro!"

These are certainly a chaotic group, anyway while the two boys were arguing, pink cheeks stepped forward with a darker than usual blush on her cheeks.
"You can call me Uraraka"

Oh , this girl is kinda strange she reminds me strongly of Perry the platypus,yet with a different colour scheme. I have no idea why though maybe her round cheeks? But these people are pretty chill anyway so i can cope. But they are still annoying.

♡︎❤︎𝚗𝚘 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟❤︎♡︎

While Kasai debated on whether he liked his new classmates or not, Shoto had came downstairs to get some iced tea from the kitchen,which is right next to the living room. He looked into the room and could now get a full sight of the couch boy. He was beautiful. His black wavy hair cascaded down, framing his face. His purple eyes sparkled in the suns rays and his skin was pale and clear. 'Wow' was all he could think. He would never tell the boy he thought good of his roguishly handsome looks and he would never show anything on his face to give him away, and nor would he ever
'So his name is Kasai?'Shoto thought to himself.' Strange but it fits him....'
  ----------༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ-------
Chapter done ;)

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