𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

It was the next day now, but Kasai still felt the wind rush  from yesterday's ride, thats why he was in such a good mood this morning

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It was the next day now, but Kasai still felt the wind rush  from yesterday's ride, thats why he was in such a good mood this morning. He relived the moments when Sho-chan squeezed his waist tighter in shock and amazement. Children pointed out the window at the rushing motorbike , laughing and giggling like the kids they were- especially when Shoto gave them a meek little wave-still afraid to let go of Kasai.

But anyway Kasai dressed up into the uniform,though struggling with the cat swiping at his red tie but he managed with the giddy cat still infront of him. Hanako pounced and landed expertly on his left shoulder and lay down-tail swaying side to side in excitement. Now Kasai wasn't happy to be here but , he was in a happy mood so there was no rejecting the beaming smile that definitely reached his eyes.

The boy scratched behind his soft tigers ear and walked out his room, deciding to get a coffee- traveling by mirror. Not wanting to do anything extra today he walked up to a mirror on the halls wall and as it was large reaching the ceiling from the floor,he just walked through into the well known mirror relm- he didn't really want to use energy making a temporary mirror. Reaching Costa in the 'recently used' area of the mirrors he stepped through.

Thankfully when he walked through, no-one noticed him walk through a wispy mirror that looked similar to a blue portal. Kasai bought his drink, and was gone in the blink of an eye.

~~~~~~}Kasais pov}~~~~~

I walked through the portals and looked to were i wanted to go. Finding class 1-a, i stepped through to be met with frightened gasps of those around who saw- but i was casually slurping my spiced late. I wonder were Aizawa-Sensei is? Is he normally late. Its quater to nine already.

As if planned, Aizawa waddled through the door slurping on his teachers coffee looking like a big ass mood. He motioned me to sit at a seat at the back of the classroom. This voluntarily mad me smirk as the seat i just so happened to sit at was next to Sho. The luck huh?

Mr Aizawa, tired and bored, pulled out papers from the large bag that had appeared out of thin air. He passed them around until everyone had got them.

"Alright problem children, your groups are on the paper, read the task and sort it out. Im taking a nap."

He lay down in his yellow sleeping bag and drifted to sleep.

The first one to snap out of the fast pace of everything was Mina who jumped up over enthusiastically and bellowed out her words.

"ALL-RIGHT! Im with the new kid on the block!"

Looking down at my paper i realised she was in-fact correct. I had been grouped with four others, who sadly weren't To-To. They were Mina, Denki, Sero and jiro.

Everyone gathered in their respective groups and read through the paper they were given.

'this task shall be done in your groups. You will all decide on something unexpected and random. It can be anything surprising as long as nobody dies. That was aimed at you Midoriya.
Wishing you all good luck(not really)-Aizawa'

Well, i already have ideas but im not really thinking they would be the best idea but considering Mina and Denki are here.... Oh well.
Speaking out loud i interrupted Sero and Denki's argument about whether tape was edible or not.
"I have an idea?" It came out more as a question but i made my point.

They all looked at me, eager for the input and since Hanako was purring on my shoulder i felt calm enough to answer.

"How about a flashmob?"

Mina gasped and stood up so fast she toppled over onto Jiro, but nodding her head at my idea while increasing her whiplash.

"Yes! Yes! A million times YES!"

Well thats her confirmation but what about the others?

I looked around and by everyone's faces i could tell they liked it too. Thats good, thinking more would hurt my brain. Mina stood up and began plotting and i couldn't help but loose interest. I unsurprisingly find my self staring at Shoto, who was standing awkwardly with Sato,Asui,Hagakure and Midoriya.However when Mina said' Masao will be the lead dancer' my attention was all hers. What? Was all i could think and by the look on her face i could tell she already knew what i was questioning.

"You came up with the idea so your the lead dancer!"

I was going to protest but Mina spouted nonsense every time i began to say something,i was even about to say ok after a minute.

♡'・ᴗ・'♡( ˘ ³˘)♥︎♡'・ᴗ・'♡

Kasai was now playing with his quirk in the principals office two hours after school had finished. I supposed you would like to know what happened. Well....

❤︎𝚀𝚞𝚎 𝚏𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚝𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚕𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙺𝚊𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟❤︎

After school was finished, the bakusquad apart from Bakugo himself invited me to the arcade with them. They told me that if i didn't come they would and i quote 'steel my kneecaps and drag me there'. When they had convinced me, Mina and Kirishima said they wanted to dress me. I didn't know these guys too well so the daunting smirks on their faces confused me? Are they going to plot against me? I sure hoped not.

But it turns out that they were not going to let the opportunity go, ad used Sero to tape me to a wall. I could easily break out but the happiness on their faces sent me deep into thought. Maybe some hero's were good after all?

After about fifteen minutes i began to worry, as they entered Shotos room. They dragged him over to me and left him there.

He looked up and smirked at how i was stuck but had no idea i was easily able to break out. Oh well, i guess i can reveal some of my quirk to Sho-chan.

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