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"Papa, my hands are cold." Y/N whimpered, before deciding to crouch down. 

"No, Y/N" her Papa said, grabbing her shoulders and hoisting her back up. She winced in pain "Be quiet, or they're going to hear us."

She stood silently and looked down. Her and Papa were hiding in an alleyway, with him looking around the corner at a man and a lady, sitting on the front steps of a pub.

"I wanna go home, Papa" Y/N whined, clutching her tiny little fingers and blowing on them, in an attempt at heating them up.

Her papa turned around and grabbed both of her shoulders.

"Y/N" He whisper yelled. Papa's eyes were filled with rage and anger. "How old are you?"

"8" she winced, as his grip tightened. 

"Exactly, your 8. Which means your a big girl. Stop complaining and stay still." he said. He let go and turned back around to watch the supposed couple.

Almost immediately, Y/N rubbed her pained shoulders. She wanted her Mama, but a few months back, a few soldiers came over to her sad excuse of a house, and killed Mama, right in front of you and Papa's eyes.

Before they left, one of the soldiers turned around and said, "Next time you fail a job," he looked over at Y/N, "this little sucker is next."

Y/N didn't want to die, so she sat back and obeyed her Papa.

She listens in on the strangers' conversation, and hear the man tell the lady he would return, as he entered the pub.

Suddenly, Y/N sees her Papa exit the alleyway and walk over to the lady.

Instead of getting up to watch, she sits back, knowing what was going to happen next, because this isn't the first time she had to accompany him. 

She hears muffled screams, a gunshot, and her Papa yelling before there are steps running away.

That's different. Papa never usually yells. There's never usually footsteps.

Y/N looks around the corner and sees the strangers running away with her Papa nearly unconscious on the floor.

She runs over to him and helps him back into the alleyway. She sees blood falling out of a hole of his chest, before noticing a shadow fall over hers.

She looks up to see a tall man with blond hair looking down at her Papa with disgust on his face.

"I warned you." he said, then pulled out a gun from behind his back and Y/N's eyes widen. 

Before she can say anything, he shoots Papa in his head, and grabs her arm.

"Your coming with me"


My eyes immediately open, seeing black, before adjusting to the darkness. I get up and start putting on my uniform. 

Today's graduation day. 

If I was anyone else, I could probably get another half an hour of sleep in, but knowing how I am, after having to relive all of that, my mind will be too terrified to get some sleep in.

[k wtf why did i write that— y/n is definitely the main character 💀]


We were all lined up in rows, with high-ranking soldiers in front of us. I watch one of them come forward, pull out a script, and start reading it.

He went on about our duties, being on guard, dedicating our hearts, and so on.

Then he mentions the Colossal Titan possibly reappearing again.

I have a flashback again remembering being in Shiganshina to witness it. I didn't even live there at the time. It was just a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But at the same time, being there gave me an escape.

I wince at the memory of a titan picking up a little kid next to me and someone beside me taps my shoulder.

"You okay?" Mikasa asks. I didn't have any friends except for her, Armin, and Eren. We met as refugees after the fall of Wall Maria.

Being 14 at the time, I was four years older than them, and old enough to join the 103rd Training Corps. However, I decided to wait 2 years for my newfound friends to turn 12, so we could all join together.

"Yeah I'm good." I say, shrugging it off.

"Today, you have completed your military training." the man says. "I will now announce ten of you with top training results. Come forward when you hear your name."

"In tenth, we have Sasha Braus,

Ninth, Connie Springer

Eight, Marco Bodt,

Seventh, Jean Kirschtein

Sixth, Eren Yaeger

Fifth, Annie Leonhart

Four, Bertholdt Hoover

Third, Reiner Braun

Second, Mikasa Ackerman

And finally, ranked first, is Y/N L/N"

I breathe out, and relax my nerves, not even noticing I was holding my breath. 

It was good to know that 3 years in the Training Corps wasn't for nothing.

Getting first place means I'm the strongest. 

Being the strongest means no one can hurt me anymore. 


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