twenty nine

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"So.." Eren clears his throat. "How was it?"

I choke on my saliva once I think about what he could be implying, ignoring the other hundreds of possibilities.

Me and the trio sat in the Cafeteria, waiting for Erwin and Hanji, while Levi went to grab his cloak from his room

"Why so surprised? I'm talking about your potato soup. You finished it so fast."

"Yea..." I mumble, twirling my spoon around the bowl.

"I doubt you were able to handle it." Mikasa sneers.

I choke again, and take a sip from my glass of water.

"The soup, of course." She laughed. "Unless you're thinking of something else..?"

"No, no." I laughed, playing it off.

"Why do you keep choking on stuff?" Eren snickers.

"Okay," I place my glass down. "What the fuck."

"He's just talking about the fact that you keep choking on your saliva." Mikasa rolls her eyes.

"No. If you guys got something to say, say it now." I sigh, rubbing my temples.

I could use Levi's 'Mind your own fucking business' stare, right about now.

"We heard, Y/N.." Armin whispered.

"Huh?" I could feel my cheeks heat up, but I refused to give myself away, even though I knew it was a lost cause.

"Ya know," Eren shrugged, sitting back in his chair and crossing his arms. "The screams, the moans, the pounding in the shower.."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I mumble.

"Oh please." Eren flicks his hand and rolls his eyes. "On top of that, the Captain had to practically carry you here."

"He didn't carry me." I hiss. "My ankle still hurts, and he was just helping me walk."

"Y/N, your ankle healed a long time ago." Mikasa laughed. "And you weren't just limping with one foot, you were limping with your entire leg. Both of them."

"Ah~! Leeevi~!" Eren mimicked. "Go faster ~!"

"Titan shifting headass" I mumble, looking down to hide my red cheeks and embarrassment.

"What's going on here?" Levi asked, as he returned from his room and sat beside me.

"Nothing" I sigh, as I slipped my hands into his under the table,

"Oh spare me me the heart eyes!" Hanij shouted in a sing song voice, as she made her way into the Cafeteria.

"Hanji!" I shouted as she reached our table and gave me a hug.

"How's your cut doing?" She asked, poking at my stomach, with Levi rubbing his temples.

"It's okay now!" I partly lifted up my shirt to show her the slowly healing scab, the new skin forming.

"Oi, Four Eyes, why are you so fucking loud?" Levi grumbled, before walking to the kitchen, most likely to make some tea.

"Oh please, I know you love me!" She yelled across the Cafeteria, as the doors closed behind him.

"So why are we going to the Capital anyways?" I asked, turning back around to face everyone.

"Actually, we're going to Trost." Hanji said. "They want to talk to Erwin about the events from a few days back, during Annie's invasion."

𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐘 ☞ 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now