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I wake up my in a big white bed with my head against Levi's chest as we lay on our sides, his hand draped over my waist.

I snuggled in to him as I felt his arm tighten and he pulled me closer.

I moved my head away from his chest and looked up at his face.

He look so at peace while he was asleep. He looked so fragile.

I moved up a bit to kiss him before he spoke up, startling me.

"Morning breath.." he groaned, eyes still closed as if I had woken him.

I freeze mid air, and move back down, flushed from embarrassment, before he chuckles and brings his lips down to mines.

"Calm your tits.." He mumbled into my mouth, as our lips connected, and we began to kiss.

After a few minutes, we rested a little more before I had to get up and leave.

It was Saturday meaning there was no training, so everyone was sleeping in.


In my nightgown, I was the first to show up to breakfast, but I didn't mind because I didn't want anyone catching me walk out of Levi's room.

A few people showed up, but only Mikasa, Armin, Eren, and Sasha showed up from our table. Of course I wasn't surprised that Sasha was here.

However, I was surprised that Mikasa wasn't attacking me for not showing up last night.

"Do you really enjoy it out there that much?" Mikasa asked.

"Huh?" I say. What is she talking about?

"Captain Levi stopped by last night saying that you fell asleep on the field again. I was about the go after you, but that bastard son of a bitch stopped me."

Ohhh... Real smooth. I internally giggled.

"Yeah, It's just calming out there." I sigh

"Try not to do that, Y/N. Someone could kidnap you." Eren chuckles.

"Nobody is going to kidnap me Eren. Remember? I graduated top of the class. I'm probably even stronger than Captain Levi." I wink.

"Oh really, Cadet?" A voice says.

I turn around and see Levi walking past our table, his face blank and emotionless.

I ignored Sasha's "oou's" as I pulled from his gaze.

I wasn't sure if our relationship was a public or private kind of thing, if there was even a relationship to begin with.


After a day of intense cleaning, everyone went back to their rooms to get rest.

I lie awake in bed, hearing Mikasa's soft hums as she slept.

I was so excited, that I couldn't sleep. I longed to know if outside of the walls were what I always hoped it to be.

If they contained what I wished and dreamed they would.

Freedom. Hope. Answers.

Maybe going out there and slaying titans was the key. Maybe it was a way for me to let out my anger.

To finally be free of all the guilt and pain.

I would zoom through the air, and feel that my life had worth. That I was useful.

The nightmares would all go away.

I knew that deep down, it was only a fantasy. It was barely a possibility. I didn't know for sure if things would work that way.

But I did know one thing for sure.

I wasn't the same weak, fragile little girl that I was 5 years ago.


i wanted to make the chapter longer, but I know i promise a chapter today!

i was kinda busy, but ill post another chapter tmrw <3 dont worry :)

chapterly reminder to vote :)

comment any questions here~

𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐘 ☞ 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now