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important note: i am aware of how fast they move in the story, but when you get further into the plot, you should take into consideration the fact that y/n hasn't been shown even the slightest bit of affection in over five years.

she's learned through her own traumatizing experience that people come and go, so this is her taking advantage of levi's kindness towards her before he can pack up and go.

and for goodness sakes, she's literally nineteen. she's a hormonal young adult, leave her alone.

yes, you will see this message on many chapters. happy reading! <3


"Today, we will be killing titans in the Training Forest." Commander Erwin booms.

All of the new graduates of the 104th Training Corps stood at the entrance.

I maintained a strict gaze forward as always, but inside I was jumping. 

I couldn't wait to zip through the trees, slashing the hell out of the fake Titans, flying through the air.

"Commence!" he yells.

We all launch our hooks and begin swinging through the air. I feel the wind surrounding my arms and legs as I flip and turn between the launching of my hooks.

I feel the wind pushing through my hair, with it flowing behind me.

As I spot the first titan, I unsheathe my blades, zip past everyone, do an air flip, and gracefully slash the fake titan's neck.

I glance behind still zipping past the trees to see Reiner Armin and Jean staring in awe.

"You gonna keep up?" I smirk.

Moving forward, I see another fake Titan, and Jean zipping past me to get it.

Before he can slash it, I zip under him and slice its neck.

"Y/N...!" I hear Jean shout in the distance behind me. I giggle a bit.


We finally reach the end of the forest and hit the ground.

"Y/N, y-you're good" Eren stutters.

"Not as good as Mikasa." I giggle. Mikasa nudges me and rolls her eyes.

"You looked like a graceful fairy with murder on her mind." Armin says. I walk over to Armin and pinch his cheek.

"You are sooo cute." I smile.

"Impressive results, Cadets." Captain Levi says, as he walks towards us.

"T-thank you Captain!" Eren says as we all salute. Watching Eren become nervous around him always had me laughing, and I know it did for others too as I turn to see Reiner and Jean trying to hold in a giggle.

"Y/N." Captain says, looking at me. I feel my face heat up as he mentions my name. 

"Yes Captain?" I reply, successfully holding in a stutter.

"My office, 9 pm." He said before walking away. 9 pm? That was so late. Everyone would be asleep...

"Again?" Eren smirked and whispered to us. Mikasa smacked him again while Jean and Reiner snickered.


By 6 pm, dinner came around after a long day of training. Everyone sat at their usual tables once again eating potato soup.

I poked around the potatoes in my soup wondering what could the Captain possibly need. Was it to address whatever happened between us last night? Did he feel something for me? Feelings? Or was it just pity?

𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐘 ☞ 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now