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After everyone reaches outside and we get into rows, Commander Erwin starts to speak.

"Today Cadets, you will be doing hand on combat. Pair up with somebody and begin."

I stand there, a bit uncomfortable as everyone around me starts moving around to find a partner. I look through everyone at an attempt to find Mikasa, but there's no use.

"Y/N, right?" someone asked. I turn around to come face to face with a bulky blond male.


"Yeah that's me. Partners?" he outstretches his hand. I take it and shake it.

We both get into a fighting stance, arms in fists, ready to attack, as Captain Levi stops by to observe.

Reiner throws a punch first, and I slide under his arm, moving behind him, before giving him a little nudge, almost throwing him off balance.

"Wow, you're fast." he says, practically shocked.

"Perks of being 5'1 at 19." I giggle.

He turns around and without warning swings his fist my way, but I dive under his arm, aiming directly at one of his legs, grabbing it and flipping him over my back.

He lands on his back, wheezing.

"H-how did you do that?" he asked, dumbfounded.

"When you swung your arm to punch me, you were leaning forward practically putting all your weight there, in hopes of delivering a stronger punch." I explain

"You weren't wrong though, because it would have hurt like a bitch, but I saw it coming, and used the fact that you had no weight on your back leg to my advantage. I easily flipped you over because you were already leaning." 

I outstretch my arm to help him up, and he grabs it and pulls himself up, nearly dropping me in the process,  because of him being very heavy.

I hear a 'Tsk', and I turn around to see Captain Levi walk away. I didn't see him there before. I hope he's impressed.

After a few more rounds, all the Cadets split up to follow their Captain somewhere else, to practice with their own group.

After everyone leaves except for our squad, Captain Levi begins to explain what we're doing.

"For this exercise, you are to find a partner to do hand-on-hand combat." me and Mikasa grin at each other. "One that you do not speak to." the Captain adds after watching me and Mikasa exchange a look.

I stand there awkwardly, as Oluo makes his way over to me.

"Tch. Want to be my partner." He sorta asks, in a weird monotone voice. He kind of reminds me of Captain.

"Um... Sure." I respond.


TW: rape

Me and Oluo combat a few rounds, eventually ending up at 3-1, me at 3, Oluo at 1.

"One more time, Brat." He says.

"Fine. Last time." I say, rolling my eyes.

We get into a fighting stance, and Oluo immediately lunges at me, without giving me time to prepare.

We fall to the ground, Oluo on top of me pinning my wrists to the ground.

Sensing Deja Vu, I begin to hyperventilate, gasping for air.

"Uh, Y/N?!" Oluo questions, raising his voice for others to hear and make their way over.

He climbs off of me and starts shaking me.

I continue to gasp for air, sobbing and crying at the horrid memories breaking through the surface of my brain.

"Please don't do this" I beg.

I clench my head in both my hands and start to shake my head.

"Y/N!" Mikasa screams, her and everyone else running towards me.

"You won't feel it one bit, Sweetheart." He says, before viciously tearing open my pants and panties, licking his lips at the sight.

"Cadet. Breathe." Captain Levi says calmly, crouching down.

He immediately shoved his hard member into 9-year-old me, as I cried and screamed in pain and agony.

"That's not helping!" Petra cried, as I continued to gasp for air. "Take her to the Infirmary!"

"Stop!" I cried, tears falling everywhere, staining my cheeks. "It hurts!"

A pair of strong arms pick me up bridal style, and start running for the infirmary.

What happened from there was a blur, because I passed out from the pain.

"Captain..." I whimper. My breaths slow and my eye lids become heavy, before I'm completely surrounded by darkness.


I open my eyes, to find myself in a white bed.

Where am I?

"Tsk. Your finally up." somebody snickers.

I look around, not being able to see anything in the darkness, until someone flicks on a lamp beside me.

The room lights up a bit, and I find myself in the Infirmary, 1 am on the clock, and with Captain Levi sitting in a chair across the room, book in hand.

"What happened?" I ask, only remembering bits and pieces.

"You were in combat with Oluo, he pinned you down, and you started hyperventilating." he said, not a hint of emotion in his voice once again.

"Oh." I say, remembering everything now.

"Mikasa and the two boys told the Nurse that you haven't eaten in a while, that you haven't been sleeping, and that you're constantly zoning off or having nightmares.

The Nurse says that you definitely have PTSD, potentially from a Titan attack, meaning something Oluo did probably triggered a flashback of that causing you to hyperventilate.

Then you passed out because you're not getting enough rest; the fact that you're malnourished because you haven't been eating didn't help."

"All of that makes sense." I say, knowing that the cause of the PTSD was definitely wrong.

"I don't think so." he says.

"What..?" I ask, shocked by his boldness.

"I mean, Oluo's position, the scars, the nightmares..." he mumbles, but loud enough for me to hear.

"W-what scars?" I ask, playing dumb. He's onto me. He's really onto me.

After an awkward moment of silence, he stood up, began walking over to me and spoke up again.


"Y-yes, Captain?"

"That night when you dropped your towel, I saw purple bruises. Everywhere." He cleared his throat. "I wasn't trying to look, but they stood out."

I'm screwed.

He finally reached the bedside, and crouched down.

"Y/N... what the fuck happened to your body..."


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