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a/n: this chapter is more so rushed, because its more of just a recap of what happened when trost had fallen. (its still and important chapter though, but the writing is very sloppy)

[you can skip this chapter, its basically a filler.. ish]


After learning about the different regiments we're capable of joining, we're dismissed.

It wasn't a hard decision for me. I would join the Scouts. 

It had nothing to do with protecting humanity. Humanity can rot off for all I care.

There were people looking for me. I know it. I decided to join the military in hopes of becoming stronger, and so I wouldn't be seen as the weak, fragile girl, everyone saw me as.

They would never look for me here, because that's exactly how they see me. Not an ounce of strength. Plus, even if they did, they would never picture me in the Survey Corps.

While everyone heads to eat, I head to the dorms.

I lie on my back and look up at the ceiling, romanticizing a life outside of the walls, away from a past that will follow me till the day I die.


"Y/N!" someone shakes me awake. I sit up to see Mikasa. When did she get here?

"Trost has fallen! Wake up!" My eyes widen at Mikasa's revelation, and I get up to fix my uniform. She runs out and I follow her.

We're all assigned squads, and I'm with Mikasa at Rear Guard. I watch her sulk about leaving Eren. It's easy to tell she's in love with him.

I never saw a point in that. All that's going to do is drag and slow her down.

Exactly why I keep my friends to a minimum. It's hard to have them when there's a possibility of you getting attached, and them getting eaten.

However, knowing Mikasa, she wouldn't let that happen to either of us, so I guess the trio could be an exception to my little rule.


Our squad makes our way to our placement, swiftly killing titans along the way.

Nearly there, we encounter a fast abnormal, ignoring us and heading straight for all the people at the gate.

I launch my hooks at his upper back, and pull myself forward. Moving fast, I slice its nape, and land on its head when it falls on the ground.

The people look up at me in awe, only being a couple meters away. That was a close one. As the rest of my squad makes their way over, I see a big wagon blocking the gate.

"What is going on?" I ask. "Me and my comrades are out there dying just for you guys to be socializing outside the gate?"

"That's natural." an angry fat man speaks up. "Isn't it your duty to 'Dedicate your hearts' to protect the lives of the townspeople? Don't be so full of yourselves just because you freeloaders are finally coming in handy!"

"If you think its natural for others to die for other people, then I'm sure you'll understand how your life can save the lives of many..." Mikasa says, appearing from behind me and walking over to him.

"Just try it!" he snickers. "I'm the boss of this towns shopping district, and I go way back with your employer. One comment from me decides what happens with a slut like you!" he says.

I erupt heavily in laughter, throwing my head back and clutching my stomach with the other.

"How can a corpse say anything?" I say looking up at him, gritting my teeth. I can feel the rage burning within me as I try to keep myself from slicing his head clean off.

𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐘 ☞ 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now