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omg yall we almost at 4k already... DAMN


"There they are!" I shout. "Utgards Castle!"

We advance with our horses, and I launched my hooks at a nearby Titan's neck, as the wires snap me forward.

I swing around the Titan once, before I take my blades and slash the neck.

"Mikasa!" I yell.

Once I get her attention, I point at a Titan that's about to grab Christa.

She nods and zips over, before slashing the neck.

"Y/N? Mikasa?" Christa says. "Why are you guys.."

I land in front of them while Mikasa goes back to the Titans.

"You guys need to get back." I yell at them, before leading them to the back, away from all the Titans. "Wait... where's Christa?"

I look around before I see her holding a girl in her lap.

"Ymir?!" Armin gasps.

"What the fuck." I blink, completely shocked. "Another Titan..?"


I launch my hooks, and begin to climb the Wall.

We were making our way up Wall Rose to regroup at Trost.

I reach the top, and walk over to Eren.

"So Ymir is really a Titan?" I ask.

"Yeah." He mumbles.

We turn our heads when we hear a grunt, and see Reiner trying to get onto the Wall with his arm in bandages.

"What happened to your arm?" I ask, as Eren helps him up.

"A Titan chewed it.." He mumbled, dragging his hand down his face. "What do I do...? It might be done.."

"Don't be a big baby." I chuckle. "It's just one arm."

"What do you mean?" He said, glaring at me. "I got trapped in a Titan's hand before. Ask Armin."

"Oh yeah.." Armin whispers.

"Already two near-death experiences... I might not be around much longer." He sighs. "I chose this path, but being a Solider wears down your mind and body."

"Don't get all gushy." I say, standing up. "Eren's still got a hole to plug"

"Our home town.." Bertholdt mumbles to Reiner. "Let's go back! Compared to everything we've been through, it's just a little longer."

"We're really just a breath away, aren't we?" Reiner chuckles awkwardly.

"The fuck are you guys talking about?" I ask, completely confused.

"Mr. Hannes!" I turn around and walk over to Mikasa when I hear her exclaim, as a blonde haired Garison soldier reached the top of the wall

"There's no hole!" He said. "We spent all night looking, and even doubled back with the other troops. Nothing."

"But there are Titan's in the wall.." I try to explain. "How is this possible?"

I zone out as the Soldier speaks to the trio, and I trying to put the pieces of less than half of a puzzle together.


"We don't have a choice if there's no hole." Hanji sighs. "Let's go to Trost and wait on standby."

"What's going on?" I think out loud.

"What could any of this mean?" Armin says.

"Eren." Reiner says. "We need to talk about something."

𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐘 ☞ 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now