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 important note: i am aware of how fast they move in the story, but when you get further into the plot, you should take into consideration the fact that y/n hasn't been shown even the slightest bit of affection in over five years.

she's learned through her own traumatizing experience that people come and go, so this is her taking advantage of levi's kindness towards her before he can pack up and go.

and for goodness sakes, she's literally nineteen. she's a hormonal young adult, leave her alone.

yes, you will see this message on many chapters. happy reading! <3


"Hello, Y/N." he says, his voice showing a little warmth.

"I-Im sorry, I can come back after." I say, turning around to leave.

"No, you can stay."

Shocked by his response, I turn back around and slowly make my towards him. 

I sit beside him, our bodies only a few inches away. I begin to lean back to lie down, but he puts his hand on my lower back to stop me.

I flinch and sit up quickly, moving away away from him.

He looks at me, confusion swirling in his gorgeous eyes.

"I just didn't want you dirtying your nightgown..."

"I-I'm sorry," I say, before moving back towards him and sitting down.

"Y/N. What's going on?" he asked, never breaking his gaze.

"I'm okay I was just caught off guard." I fake giggle.

But he continues to watch me. I look at him, and I can tell he sees right through me.

He knows. 

He moves closer, our bodies now touching, side to side, as he picks up my hand in one of his.

I feel my chest rising faster, butterflies entering my stomach. Then out of nowhere, he pulls back my sleeve revealing all the brutal purple scars, ruining the moment.

Caught off guard, I freeze up not knowing how to react, as his eyes widen in disbelief.

Returning back to reality two seconds later, I pull my arm quickly from his grasp and pull my sleeve down.

"Y/N..." he begins.

"W-why did y-you do that." I stutter as my words fail and I begin to sob.

Embarrassing. Utterly embarrassing.

"Who did that to you.." he asks, rage and anger slowly filing his voice, as I begin sob more violently, the words threatening to pour out of me.

I cry and cry, unable to process any words. 

He pulls me into a hug, caressing my hair and rubbing my back as I cry into his neck.

"Why me..." I mumble, as my sobs calm, turning into genuine falling tears, soaking his shirt.

His shirt.

I pull away facing him, the side of his shirt damp from all my tears.

Oh my. Captain Levi. Holy shit.

I gasp and scramble to move away, my head fully back in it's correct era.

However, he pulls me back onto his chest.

"C-captain.." I begin.

"Levi." He corrects me. "We aren't on duty right now." Considering the situation, Levi was much more appropriate.

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