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A/N: so part of this is inspired by a fanfic im reading called (business & pleasure by @sumbodywrites chapter 16 i think) 1.5k?! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH


Instead of just opening the door, I knock. What Levi did on the horse was out of line, and he was going to pay for it.

"Name and business." He said.

"You know why I'm fucking here." I said, deciding to have an attitude.

"Get in here." He says. I held back a giggle and pushed open the door before locking it behind me.

He was sitting at his desk, so I walked over and sat in the chair across from his.

"What do you want?" I ask, trying to seem annoyed.

"The hell is going on?" He rolls his eyes. "Do you really want to be punished more than you already will be?"

A punishment?

"And what are you going to do?" I smirk, provoking him. "Make me clean the stables?" I put on a puppy dog sad face, adding more effect.

"Ah." Levi sighs, getting up and walking over to me. "This is about what happened earlier isn't it?"

He stood in front of my chair looking down at me.

"No." I mumble, before getting up so our bodies were inches away. I still had to look up a bit, but it was better than before.

"Oh really?" He asks, lifting his hand and tucking a hair strand behind my ear. "Because it seems to me like you're upset that I turned you on, and left you begging for more."

I feel my face heat up as butterflies enter my stomach.

"See?" He smirks, staring at my lips and holding my cheek with one of his hands. "You're all red."

"I'm not." I say clenching my jaw, and holding back a stutter. He was once again trying to get a reaction out of me. "I could care less about a few whispers into my ear. It's child's play."

"So what was all that shaking?" He asks, caressing my lips with his thumb, and looking down at me. "Not to mention the lip biting too..."

Fuck. I had been trying so hard not to make noise, I didn't even realize it had shown.

I glare at him, never breaking contact. He wanted me to admit defeat.

He started advancing, as our bodies touched. I moved backwards around the chair as he got closer, until I finally hit the wall.

I felt a flashback coming up, but I used all my force and pushed it down. I can't keep comparing things and people from my past to Levi.

He was different, and he cared for me. He was tender, and gentle with me, but at times when he was ruthless, cold, and harsh, I knew it was only because he wanted what was best for me.

I stood against the wall, looking up to him, as he brought his hand around my neck.

I held back a moan, this time without the lip biting.

"You okay there, Y/N?" Levi whispers in my ear. It sends shivers throughout my entire body as I squeeze my thighs together.

I clench my jaw so hard, it feels like it's about to break.

He leans his head down and makes his way to my neck, but this time, he finds one spot and begins to flick and suck on it with his tongue.

It takes all my might to not throw my head back, as I squeeze my thighs even tighter and cross my knees.

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