t h i r t y 💛

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I broke up with Astoria Greengrass today. 

It's been a long time coming, I believe. I don't exactly feel sorry for what happened between the two of us. 

I know that it shouldn't bother me as much as it does but the way that she refers to the Hufflepuff was growing increasingly intolerable. 

Thus, we're over. 

That's not the main problem, though. 

Breaking up with Astoria hasn't done anything to remove these weird feelings that I have for that self-righteous Hufflepuff. 

As Hermione entered the Hufflepuff common room, Aria promptly closed the little green book and placed it into the pocket on her robes again. 

Aria stood up from her seat by the window and decided that she was going to take a trip to the Great Hall. 

"Are you alright, Aria?" Hermione asked her, as the two of them began to make their way towards the Great Hall. 

"Yeah. I'm all good," Aria said, as she quickly forced a smile onto her face. 

The last thing she needed was for her friends to grow too aware of the fact that she did have Malfoy's diary tucked away into her pocket. 

Aria herself had to question what her motivations behind stealing his diary even were anymore. Why on earth was she still stealing it? It wasn't as though Malfoy had made any unsettling confessions recently. Well, apart from the fact that he had mentioned having 'feelings' for Aria. Aria didn't want to dwell on what that meant, though, and so she decided to push it out of her mind as she and Hermione entered the Great Hall. 

The two of them sat down but hadn't been at their table for long before Theodore Nott began to make his way towards them again. 

Once Theo had reached their table, Aria noticed that he was rubbing his shoulder uncomfortably. 

"Are you alright, Theo?" Aria said, as she instinctively made some space for him to sit down. 

"Yeah. I mean...Malfoy and I got into a bit of a scuffle and I tore a muscle or something but...I'll be fine. Nothing my potions can't fix up," he said. 

Hermione glanced towards him then, with curiosity evident in her gaze. 

"Why did Malfoy and you get into a 'scuffle', as you put it?" she asked. 

Theodore turned to Hermione then and sighed. 

"It's none of your business," he said. 

"Alright then. Fine," Hermione said, as she went to sit beside Ron and chatted away with him instead. 

Theodore poked at the steak pie in front of him and looked as though he wanted to go and break Malfoy's shoulder. 

"I thought I told you to-" Malfoy started, once he had reached their table. 

"What?" Theodore asked, with a frustrated expression. "I was just leaving." 

After that, Theo made his way out of the Great Hall and Aria's eyes followed him for a little while before they returned to Malfoy. 

"What was that? Why did you and Theo have a scuffle?" she asked. 

"Oh, so you're calling him Theo now, huh?" Draco asked. 

Why did he even care so much? Unless...

"Are you jealous?" Aria snapped. 

Malfoy rolled his eyes then. He felt incredibly tempted to laugh at that question but then again, he couldn't deny the weird feeling it gave him in his chest. 

"I just told Theo not to hang out with you anymore," he said simply. 

"Why? You can't take my friends," Aria said, as she stood up from the table and walked briskly out of the Great Hall. 

Malfoy wasn't about to allow that to be the end of their conversation, though, and he swiftly followed after her. 

"I have incredible patience, Hufflepuff, but I don't have much patience when it comes to you," Malfoy said, "Stop." 

Aria stopped but didn't turn around. 

"I am so fed up with you. Do you have bipolar or something?" she asked, "There's a lot I can tolerate, Malfoy, but you confuse the absolute fuck out of me." 

After she had said this, Malfoy gently grabbed a hold of her wrist and turned her around to face him. 

"I understand why you don't trust me but...trust me when I say that I had my own reasons for telling Nott to stay away from you," he said. 

"Your own reasons. Right," Aria said, not in the slightest way convinced by what Malfoy had told her. "Our friends rely on us to help them out and you're right- you come from your own world and I come from mine and mine just happens to be growing incredibly sick of your presence in it. So, if you'll excuse me." 

Aria started to walk on down the hallway at a quicker pace but that only led Malfoy to go after her at a faster speed to catch up.

 "I need to talk to you. You can't just run away from every time that I have something I need to say," he said. 

"I'm not exactly interested in what you have to say," Aria replied swiftly. 

"Right. My diary. Where is it?" Malfoy asked. 

This caused Aria's ears to perk up and Malfoy's eyes to brighten with recognition. 

"You know where it is, don't you?" he asked. 

"Yes. In Hell," Aria said, as she rounded the corner. 

Malfoy rolled his eyes and then grabbed a hold of Aria's wrist again, bumping her into the nearby wall. 

"You are chaos. You walk around this castle thinking you can do as you please. Since when did that include going through my things, Honey? Do you have a secret crush on me or something?" Malfoy asked, with both anger and teasing in his tone. 

Aria looked away from him. It was hard to stare directly ahead when he was so close to her. 

"Look at me," he said. 

"Why should I?" Aria retorted, as she met his gaze this time around. "I don't know where your diary is," she said, with a shrug. 

"I don't trust you," he said, "But fine. If you insist you don't have it, then clear out your pockets," he said. 

Aria's eyes widened now. 

"What?" she asked. 

"You heard me," Malfoy replied. 

"Piss off, Malfoy," Ron said, as he began to head down the hall towards the two of them. 

Aria turned to him with an appreciative expression, while Ron turned to her with some sympathy in his stare. 

Malfoy backed up a little, but his hand was still on Aria's wrist. She was incredibly aware of it. 

"Very well, Weasley. This isn't over," he whispered in Aria's ear, before he strolled back towards the Slytherin common room. He needed to talk to Blaise. 

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