f i f t y - o n e 💛

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Me again. Who the hell else would it be though, really? 

I can't believe that I am even writing this right now, but I've abandoned my father and I'm now on the run with the Hufflepuff and Harry bloody Potter and his friends. 

I suppose, just as everything can change, people's alliances can change. I don't know why it caused such a great pain in me to become conscious of what happened to Aria Honey and Granger back at the manor, but it did. 

Something has changed in me. That weird Hufflepuff has changed something in me. Fine, Aria has changed something in me. I suppose that she just kept pushing me over and over again for me to finally snap. I just never expected that I would be the one to break in all of this. This was never in the plan. 

Nevertheless, I can't abandon her, now. I know that following Potter is the right thing to do, even if it goes against every single lie I was ever told as a child. I refuse to follow my father's orders anymore. All his orders lead to is suffering, death and pain. And I am so sick of witnessing all of this suffering, death and pain. I am so sick of knowing that all of this is going on, when I hate it. I sometimes can't help but wonder how different my life would have been if I hadn't been a Slytherin. 

My father already hates me, so I suspect he would probably hate me even more, then. Regardless, he did give me one positive thing. He gave me an iron will. I know that no matter what happens now, I will do whatever it takes to tear down the Dark Lord to the ground. I have to do this or she will die. I don't truly understand why the idea of such a reality hurts me so much, all I know is that it does. I cannot allow Aria Honey to die. She's burnt something into my soul and it's not leaving anytime soon. 

"What are you doing, Malfoy?" came the familiar voice of the one and only Harry Potter, as he entered the Slytherin common room. 

They had all apparated back a couple of hours ago, of course. Hogwarts was ironically the safest and potentially deadliest place to be at  present but Harry felt a certain comfort there that he found hard to explain. 

"Ah yes, Harry Potter, the boy who can never keep his nose out of matters. Did you ever learn to knock?" Draco asked with apparent sarcasm, as he abruptly closed the little green book and stood up from his chair. 

"What are you doing up?" Harry found himself asking. 

"I can't sleep," Draco replied. He was especially reluctant to tell Harry anything but he supposed, now that they were on the same side, he didn't have many other options. Harry would only probably charm him to read his mind if he needed to. Draco was highly aware of the fact that Harry still didn't trust him, but then again, why should he? It wasn't as though the two of them had been destined to be best friends forever. This was just the way things were, now. Harry would always be a little paranoid around Draco, just as Draco would always get this weird sour taste in his mouth whenever Harry emerged. 

In truth, Draco had felt a little more on edge, a little more resless, ever since he had abandoned Malfoy Manor. He had the sensation that his father would return any time soon and he couldn't fight that away. In his nightmares, he saw the most violent and horrendous things. It was easier to stay awake. Safer that way. 

"Might I ask you the same question?" Draco asked, as he cocked his head to the side. His silvery eyes observed Harry as the boy took a step closer to him. 

"I'm going out to find Death Eaters. They may just give me a clue as to where the last few Horcruxes are," he said. 

Ah yes, the Horcruxes. Draco knew all about those, of course. He had eavesdropped on his father's meetings enough times to know about them. 

"Don't be ridiculous, Potter. You'll die if you go out searching for them. It's simply impractical," Draco said sternly, as he ran a hand through his soft blond hair for a second. 

"I'm going and I'm going alone," Harry said decisively. 

Draco gave a perfectly-timed roll of his eyes in response to that. Potter may have been the chosen one but he certainly wasn't the wisest one. He had left the door to the Slytherin common room unlocked. 

Hermione stepped into the room and sighed. 

"Hermione Jean Granger, what a pleasant surprise," Draco said. 

As he spoke her real name, Hermione almost felt as though she was in a dream. Her eyebrows raised at him for a couple of moments, but she soon turned her attention away from him. She hadn't come here for him. 

"And what brings you to the Slytherin common room at this time of night?" he inquired. 

"Harry," Hermione said simply. "You are an idiot sometimes! You can't just leave," she said with frustration in her voice. 

"No, 'Mione, I think you'll find I can...I uh..." Harry trailed off, then, which caused Hermione's eyes to shine with concern. "I need to figure out what this last Horcrux is and I can't have my friends around me when I do so. Not right now. I just keep reliving and replaying what happened to Dobby and Sirius and everyone else over and over again. I can't let that happen to you...or Ron...or Ginny. That's why I have to do this. That's why I have to go it alone." 

Hermione shook her head slightly in response to that. 

"September nineteenth. The last birthday I got to spend with my parents, Harry. The same day I realised what being your friend could mean for me- the risks it brought with it," she said, as her eyes sparkled with tears, "I decided that it was all worth it, Harry, as long as you live. So, you know, if you plan on leaving this castle just know that I am coming with you. I refuse to let you be on your own, Harry, because you are far too important to let go." 

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