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"Listen, Draco, I didn't come here for no reason. I have a proposition, if you will," Andromeda stated, which caused an expression of curiosity to appear upon Draco's face. 

Draco's silver eyes narrowed slightly.

"What's the proposition?" he asked. 

"I think that...after losing your father, your mother believes that it would benefit you to finish your final year of Hogwarts and then come and live with me for some time," Andromeda explained. 

At this confession, one of Draco's eyebrows lifted slightly. 

"Aunt Andromeda, I don't know if-" Draco was about to say, but Andromeda swiftly interjected. 

"Just promise me you'll think about it," she said, "It could be good for you, Draco." 

Draco didn't look entirely convinced about this, but he gave a nod of his head regardless. 

A few moments later, another person came to join them and Draco glanced towards his mother. 

"Mother..." he said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for father to die like that, I just-" 

Before he could say anything else, Narcissa rushed forwards and brought Draco into a tight hug. 

"It wasn't your fault. You mustn't blame yourself for what happened, Draco. Your father ended up dead because he...he was on the wrong side of this battle. I think deep-down I always knew that. I just...I didn't want to do anything because I loved him and I knew he didn't want to listen," she said, with an expression of sorrow upon her face. 

At this confession, Aria couldn't help but look towards Narcissa with some concern. After all, she had just lost her husband. Draco had just lost his father. None of this was going to be easy for the two of them. 

"I want to do what I can to keep you safe, Draco, and if that means that you need to go and live with my sister for a short while, then so be it," she said. 

Draco considered this for a second, but then he spoke again. 

"Something is telling me that I'm going to be alright, mother. I just need to finish my final year...and I can do that," he said, as his eyes glanced towards Aria for a fraction of a moment. 

After he had said this, Narcissa's eyes went to Aria and she breathed a breath of relief. She was glad that Draco had managed to find a friend in all of this. 

"I'll be alright, mother, I promise," Draco said with a warm smile. It was a smile that managed to settle Narcissa's nerves. If there was one thing that Draco had always been good at, then it was acclimatizing to new  situations. The war was over. Draco was going to have to do what he could to move on, now. He was going to have to prepare himself for what had to come next. "You don't need to worry about me," he said, as he caught on to his mother's anxious expression, "I'm going to be fine." 

"Draco...if you need me, you know what to do," Narcissa said. 

At this, Draco gave a nod of his head, even though he knew that it was more likely for his mother to need him than vice versa. She had tears in her eyes and Draco knew that his father's death was going to take its toll on her for some time. That was why he also hated the fact that he felt so unaffected by his father's passing. It wasn't quite indifference, but it was halfway there. After all, his father had continuously hurt him and manipulated him. Why should he feel any differently? Why should he feel sad? 

 "What are you going to do now? Where are you going to go?" Draco asked, as inquisitive as always. 

Narcissa thought over his questions for some time, while Andromeda glanced towards her with an expression of curiosity on her own face. 

"I'm not sure, in all honesty. I need to bury your father, though, Draco," she said. 

Draco gave an understanding nod at this. He just couldn't help but wonder, sadly, about how many people were actually going to show up to his funeral. 

"I imagine you'll think of something. You could spend some time with Aunt Andromeda," Draco suggested. 

Andromeda turned towards her sister now and managed a small smile. The two of them certainly hadn't always gotten along, but things were different now. Times had changed. 

"I'd be more than happy to have you stay with me, Narcissa," she admitted. 

Narcissa's eyes shone, then, as she considered her sister's kind offer. 

"I wouldn't want to impose-" Narcissa began to say, but Andromeda promptly interrupted her.

"You wouldn't be imposing," Andromeda argued. 

In response to this, Narcissa smiled. 

"Then thank you, Meda. I'd really appreciate that," she said. 

Andromeda smiled back at her, more sincerely this time around. 

"You're very welcome, Cissy," she said, with warmth in her voice. 

Draco looked between his two family members with some kindness in his eyes. He only looked towards them for a moment, though, before he returned his attention to Aria. 

Only with her eyes, Aria silently asked him a question, "Are you okay?" 

In response to her question, Draco gave a nod of his head, but he still wanted to talk to her in a more private setting. 

"I'm going to go to the Hufflepuff common room with Aria," he said decisively and swiftly glanced towards Aria to check that this was alright. 

Aria nodded in agreement and the two of them soon bid farewell to Narcissa and Andromeda. 

"Well, that was alright," Aria thought aloud, as she and Draco began to make their way down one of the hallways towards the Hufflepuff common room. 

Draco released a soft laugh at that. 

"Yeah...I just can't help but worry about-" 

"Your mother. I get that. This isn't going to be easy for her," Aria said. 

"I think that might be a little bit of an understatement but...at least she isn't alone," he said. 

Aria smiled at that, which caused Draco to give her a questioning expression. 

"She's not alone, Draco, and neither are you," she said. 

Draco shook his head slightly as a small smile worked its way onto his face. 

"Hey, I know that," he said, as he locked eyes with her. 

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