Chapter 4: Can't Stop Thinking of Him

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Monday After School

Taro usually walked home with Osana everyday, but this time, he wanted to walk home with Budo instead. He told Osana, and she didn't seem too pleased about it, but he didn't let it bother him.

On their walk home, Taro was telling Budo about his sister and Osana. Budo had never listened to anyone as well as he did with Taro. It was like he and Taro knew each other for ages.

As for Taro, he's never talked this much to someone he just met. He felt comfortable around Budo, which was shocking as he never expected to get along with someone like him. The two wish they could chat more, but they reached Taro's house.

"Well, thanks for walking me home, Masuta." Taro smiled. Budo felt a little friendzoned by Taro calling him by his last name.

"Please, call me Budo, Taro." Budo smiled back at him. Taro nodded at him. As he was about to enter his house, he looked back at Budo and gave him one, last smile. Budo smiled back.

When Taro closed the door, Budo jumped into the air in excitement.

"Yes! I did it!" He gleefully yelled out. When he noticed his loud tone, Budo looked around the neighborhood to see if he accidently disturbed anyone. He was relived to find that he didn't.

Budo happily walked back to his house, thinking about Taro along the way.

His eyes... they're so... big... and innocent... and sweet. Budo's never seen eyes so innocent and pure. Budo would be lying if he said he didn't think Taro was a form of beauty. He was like the embodiment of an angel.

As Budo continued to daydream about Taro, his father suddenly popped up into his mind. Budo widened his eyes.

"Oh shit..." He mumbled under his breath.

Budo's father has always been against same-gender relationships, and if he finds out that his only child is crushing on a male, he'll be kicked out of the house. Budo stopped thinking about it, and took a deep breath. For now, his father will not know about this, but if things between him and Taro get serious... Budo will have to tell him. He wasn't looking forward to that.


Budo made it to his house, and as soon as he entered through the door, he was greeted with his father yelling at him.

"Budo Masuta, where have you been?! You should've been home 5 minutes ago!" His father glared at him.

"S-Sorry, I just got... distracted on my way home." If Budo was being honest, thinking about Taro made him walk much slower than usual. His father deadpanned.

"What in God's name could you get distracted by?!" His father yelled. Budo couldn't respond with anything but a shoulder shrug. His father sighed. "Your martial arts. I've noticed your kicks haven't been getting very high. That needs to change." He pointed his finger at his son then to the kitchen. "Go eat, and then practice your martial arts. After that, do your homework."

Budo sighed, "Yes, father..." He then walked to the kitchen to find something to eat.

Monday Evening

Budo just finished practicing martial arts, and was exhausted. He didn't have the energy to take a shower or change, so he just collapse onto his bed. Budo laid on his back as he rested his eyes. There was only one thing he could think about right now, and that was...

... Taro Yamada.

He couldn't help but imagine what a life with Taro would be like. Everyday, after he comes back from his job as a martial arts teacher, his husband would give him massages and cuddles. He didn't mind that Budo was sweaty. He would just remove his headband, and give him head rubs and kisses.

Just the thought of holding Taro in his arms sent Budo's heart flying. At this point, he didn't care what his father would think or do. All that mattered to him was Taro and his future with him.

The only thing Budo had to ask was...

"Does Taro feel the same way about me?"

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