Chapter 15: Running Out of Time

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Saturday Afternoon

Osana invited Raibaru over to her house to hang out. They were currently sitting on Osana's bed talking about random topics. Osana then made the conversation about Taro and Budo.

"I told him that I was ok with it... but... I really don't know how I feel. I've liked him for so long, since childhood. But the second Budo came and practically flirted with Taro, he forgets about me and is all over Budo. It's not fair, Raibaru."

"I know it's unfair, Osana... but it's just the way it is. You know he still loves you as a friend. That should be good enough now, right? At least he doesn't hate you."

Osana sighed; "Yeah... but... I never got to tell him how I felt. Budo just came out of nowhere, and now Taro will never feel the same way I feel about him. Do you think it's because of me, Raibaru? Taro did confront me about the way I've treated him, and I replied with nothing but a stuttering mess. Ugh, it is because of me. Budo has always been so kind and charismatic towards everyone while all I've been is a brat."

"Osana, stop beating yourself up! Like I said, I'm sure Taro cares for you deeply. Besides, turns out he was gay the whole time and you never had a chance with him to begin with. Don't take this so personally, Osana. If you're so worried about how he feels about you then talk to him on Monday. He is still walking with you every morning, after all."

Osana sat in silence, thinking. "Budo was one of your pupils when you were the leader of the Martial Arts Club, right Raibaru? Has he ever shown any interest in Taro until recently?"

Raibaru brought her hand to her chin, thinking. "Well... I always thought there was something on his mind, but I never thought anything of it. To be honest, it felt like all there was to Budo was happy, martial artist. I never really expected him to be crushing on someone, much less another male. However, I've never seen Budo so genuinely happy. It's like Taro brings out his real, genuine feels. Budo truly cares and loves Taro, Osana... Maybe there's someone in this world that loves you as much as Budo loves Taro." Raibaru mumbled the last sentence.

"Huh? What was that last part, Raibaru?" Osana asked.

"Uh, nothing! I'm just saying that there will be plenty of other option in your life. I know Taro is your childhood crush, but maybe he's not your 'destined one'."

Osana sighed and laid on her back on her bed.


Saturday Evening

Ayano was sitting in front of her Senpai shrine, admiring a picture of him. Whenever she gazed at the picture so lovingly, all that she could think about was him.

No thought of Budo, the Yakuza, Info-Chan... just Taro Yamada.

Ayano continued to gaze at the photo until her phone buzzed. She saw it was from Info-Chan, and rolled her eyes. Info-Chan hasn't texted Ayano since Wednesday, and Ayano said she didn't want Info-Chan assistance anymore.

"Sorry I haven't texted you in a while. However, you were the one who said you didn't want my help."

"Yes, I did. And I'm still sticking to that."

"Fair enough. I just want to tell you that at this point, Taro and Budo are inseparable. I don't know if you were aware, but Budo asked Taro on a date on Friday, and they went to downtown Friday night. They took pictures, danced, and cuddled under the stars. It was quite cute, honestly."

"Stop it. At this point, there's only one option left."

"And what's that?"

"If I can't take Budo away from Taro..."


"I'll take Taro away from Budo."

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