Chapter 10: The Truth

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Wednesday Night

Taro was currently pacing around his room with his phone in hand. 

"Come on, Taro. You can do this. Just tell her. Why are you so nervous anyway? You just need to tell Osana that you and Budo are now a couple. It's not that hard!" Taro argued with his mind.

He looked at Osana's contact. He took a deep breath before clicking her name. As the phone buzzed, Taro shook like a leaf. After what felt like forever, Osana picked up the phone.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Osana, hey. Um, look I have to tell you something." Taro stuttered.

He heard Osana groan over the phone. "Taro if this is about you ditching me to walk with Budo again then you can just forget about it!"

"No, Osana." Taro sighed before continuing; "Look, I am truly sorry that I have made you feel like I abandoned you for Budo. It's just that... well... Budo and I are together!" Taro squinted his eyes and held the phone away from his ear, expecting Osana to yell at the top of her lungs.

Osana was speechless. Not surprised. Just speechless. She always suspected Taro fell for Budo, but she didn't want to believe. Now that Taro has just confessed it, she didn't know what to say.

"Taro... I... I'm not judging you... and I'm... happy for you. I just... wish for you to not ignore me as much as you have since you've been hanging out with Budo. Ok?"

Taro never felt so relieved. "Yes! Yes, I promise to not let you down Osana. How about we walk to school together every morning like always, and we can hang out in the morning since Budo has his club, if you like?"

Although Osana was still disappointed that her longtime, childhood crush was in love with someone else, she still wasn't going to let that ruin their friendship. "Alright, sounds good."

"Osana... thank you." 

Osana smiled, and hung up.

Taro sighed in happiness. When he looked toward his window, he caught someone quickly duck down in a bush across the street. Taro didn't know why, but he got shivers from that. He tried to ignore it, and pulled down his window curtain. Despite trying to ignore it, he still had a creepy feeling that there was more behind whoever was hiding in that bush.


Ayano wanted to catch Taro in his room and sneakily take pictures of him in his pajamas. She hid behind a bush where she could get a clear view of Taro's bedroom. She was able to catch him pacing around his room while on the phone. He looked so nervous. It was so cute! 

Ayano got a little too distracted that she didn't notice that she wasn't very well hidden, and that Taro could see her if he looked her way. When he did turn to her direction, she quickly realized and hid behind the bush, praying he didn't see her. He wasn't supposed to notice her yet. 

When she looked up again, his window curtain was down. Ayano groaned, but realized that it was getting late. She got up from behind the bush, blew Taro's window a goodnight kiss, and headed back to her own house.

When she got there, she heard her phone buzz. She suspected it to be from Info-Chan, and she was right. She was probably texting Ayano to congratulate her for getting rid of Budo without any blood on her hands. She opened Info's app, and widened her eyes at her text.

"The Yakuza failed to get rid of Budo."


"Please tell me you are kidding..."

"Nope. Budo's father was able to track Budo at the Yakuza's hideout, and before they could give Budo to human trafficking, his father came and saved him."

"Fuck... Now what?"

"Well you could tell Budo's father that he is in a relationship with another boy. Like I said, he's never been accepting of same-gender relationships."

"That's not going to keep them apart! I need to eliminate Budo from this world! You know what, forget it! I'll figure out another plan BY MYSELF!"

In a rage, Ayano threw her phone on her bed. She had to think of another plan fast.

Meanwhile, Info-Chan knew the Yakuza wasn't a reasonable man, and was going to get the money Ayano teased him with whether he did the deed or not. 

And she hopes that she is there to witness it all.

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