Chapter 8: Opposites Attract

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Wednesday Morning

*Beep Beep Beep*

Budo groaned as he turned off his alarm. He lazily lifted himself up from his pillow, and brushed through his messy hair with his fingers. He stayed at Taro's house much later than he expected. It didn't make his dad very happy when his son came back home at around 8 in the evening, and hasn't done any homework or martial arts.

Budo regretted not getting home a little sooner as he had to stay up till midnight finishing his homework, but he didn't regret spending his time with Taro. His mind wandered back to the kiss they shared.

That moment changed his life forever. Ever since Budo met Taro during their first year at Akademi, he always wanted to get closer to him. Budo was so used to hanging around loud, extroverts that Taro stood out to him as someone special. So gentle and quiet... adorable and innocent... and so kind.

Budo normally never understood why people could be so introverted, but hanging out with Taro recently made him realize how different people can be. Budo never expected to be attracted to someone who's so opposite from him, but I guess they say, "Opposites attract."

Budo was very eager to see Taro again and spend more time with him that he grabbed his phone, and texted Taro.


Taro was currently laying in bed, thinking about last night. The look Budo gave him after he kissed him. It was so cute. Taro still couldn't believe that he made the first move, especially on someone like Budo.

Taro always noticed Budo as the loud, cheerful guy everyone liked, and he never thought Budo would ever give a second glance at someone like him. He never expected to be so attracted to someone who's so loud and open. He always hung around Osana who was never very quiet, but Budo never yells at him or points his finger at him.

Thinking about this made Taro start to realize how abusive Osana's behavior really was. Maybe he should confront her about this. Well, he's going to have to tell her that he and Budo are probably together now. Just thinking about the way she was going to react was making Taro dreading from telling her.

He sighed then heard his phone buzz. He picked it up, and saw that it was a text from Budo.

"Hey, could you by any chance come to school earlier? I want to spend some time with you before I have to do my club leader duties."

Taro smiled as he read the text, and replied; "Yeah, sure."

After Taro pressed send, he quickly started getting ready for school.


Taro finally reached Akademi, having a little bit of guilt as he left Osana alone again, but it didn't matter. He put on his shoes, and started looking for Budo. As he reached the second floor, he was greeted by Budo standing by the Martial Arts Club. The two boys gave each other a warm smile. Budo then grabbed Taro's hand and brought him into the club room, closing the door behind him.

As soon as Taro turned to face Budo, Budo cupped his cheeks and pulled him in for a strong kiss. Taro couldn't contain his blushing.

Budo slowly let go of Taro's face, and smoothed his hair back with his hands. "Sorry... I just got excited."

Taro slightly chucked at Budo's embarrassment, and wrapped his arms around his neck. "No need to apologize. You're just very affectionate... I like that."

We Were Meant To Be (Budo x Taro)Where stories live. Discover now