Chapter 20: The Final Fight

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"Well look at what we have here." Taro and Budo froze at the sound of her voice.

They turned around to see Ayano standing in the stairway. Taro couldn't speak. All he could do was gulp. Budo motioned Taro to get behind him. He glared at Ayano.

"It's over, Ayano. You won't get away with this."

Ayano chuckled creepily, making Taro and Budo feel unease. "Will anyone believe you, though? I have fooled everyone, including you two, that I am a sane, innocent school girl. No one would ever expect me to be a murderer or a kidnapper. No one would ever think it was me who payed the Yakuza to get rid of you, Budo. I have the façade to my advantage, and no one will believe you no matter how hard you try."

Taro hugged onto Budo's waist. "Ayano... please... you're not helping yourself by doing this. How can you expect me to love you when you tried to kill Budo and Osana and kidnap me?"

"What?" Budo asked.

"I already told you, Senpai: I had no choice. He was taking you from me. I was going to lose you forever. I couldn't go back to that miserable life I had before." Ayano said as she hung her head low.

The room was silent. All that could be heard was Ayano's heavy breathing. Budo prepared himself for Ayano to surprise attack them.

"You made a mistake, Budo... you should've left him to me." Ayano raised her head at the two boys. Her eyes were completely soulless. Just dark husks with no life in them whatsoever.

Suddenly, Ayano screams and charges at Budo with a knife she was hiding behind her back. Budo got prepared to restrain her, but Taro pushed the both of them out of the way before Ayano could reach them.

She crashed into the window, creating a crack in the glass. She was now breathing heavier. She turned her head around to them, glaring at Budo with eyes that were ready to destroy. She looked over at Taro, who was trying to open the door, but it was not budging.

Ayano clenched the knife in her hand, "If I can't have you..."

"Huh?" Taro looked over to her.

"NO ONE CAN!!!" She screamed as she ran at Taro with the knife ready to go into his chest.

"NO!" Budo screamed as he grabbed Ayano's arm and threw her across the living room. She crashed and hit her head on the sofa. Her vision got a little blurry.

When she tried to get up, she felt a strong force hit the side of her face. She tried to look up, but Budo punched her in the face once again. Meanwhile, Taro was trying his hardest to get the door open. Eventually he gave up, and instead grabbed an object and threw it at one of the windows, breaking it.

After the 5th punch, Ayano seemed to be knocked out cold.

"I think she's knocked out. Let's-AH!" Budo screamed as Ayano grabbed his ankle, making him fall to the ground. Suddenly she stabbed the back of his calf, and Budo screamed in pain.

"BUDO! NO!" Taro screamed. Budo tried to trip Ayano with his other leg, but Ayano moved out of the way just in time.

She was about to stab him again until she was restrained by Taro grabbing her arms. The two fought over dominance in the fight. Taro has never felt so strong in his life. Ayano then pushes Taro into a table in the living, laying on top of him, trying to stab his heart.

"Like I said... if I can't have you, NO ONE-" Ayano was interrupted by Taro spitting in her face once again.

This time, his saliva got in her eyes and she let go of him to wipe it away. That's when Taro grabbed a nearby vase and crashed it into Ayano's head, fully knocking her out. She fell to the ground with a thumb, which Budo heard. He looked to see that Taro had beaten her. Budo proudly smiled at his boyfriend. Taro smiled back.


Budo and Taro called 911, and they arrived at the Aishi residence. Two officers cuffed Ayano, and sent her to the police car. The rest of the remaining officers were searching around the house. A paramedic came, and bandaged up Budo's wound on his leg. Fortunately, nothing was severely damaged. However, Budo was going to have to stay off that leg for a while.

Once the paramedic left, Taro finished explaining to the officers what happened, and sat down on the sofa with Budo. The two looked at each other before Taro hugged his arms around Budo's neck. Budo kissed Taro's forehead, and hugged him tightly.

"How did you find me?" Taro asked quietly.

"An unknown number told me. I'm not sure who they were, and I was skeptical if they were telling the truth, but you were in danger and I couldn't take the risk. I was so scared I was actually going to lose you, Taro."

"Well... I'm glad you took the risk. I was so scared I was going to be reluctantly bonded to the psycho for the rest of my life." Taro hugged Budo again.

"What did she want with you anyways? What did she mean her life was miserable without you?"

As soon as Taro was about to speak he was interrupted by an officer talking to them. "Taro Yamada, Budo Masuta... you're gonna want to see what we found upstairs."

Taro and Budo were standing in Ayano's room, speechless from what they saw. Over on the wall there was a cork-board with multiple pictures of Taro. Few of them had Osana and Budo in them, but their faces were marked with red string in the shape of an 'x'. Budo looked around more to find a shrine of some sorts. He looked inside to find yet another picture of Taro, and below it were multiply different trinkets that belonged to Taro such as a toothbrush, a bento box, and a crushed soda can. The most disturbing thing was that she had a pair of his boxers hanging in the shrine above the portrait of him. Budo didn't know he could be any more creeped out and disgusted by Ayano.

"She was obsessed with me to the point where she was willing to kill anyone who got in between me and her." Taro spoke as he hugged himself.

"Jesus... Why did she want you so bad that she was willing to murder?" Budo asked.

"She... she told me she was... broken. Since she was born she felt hollow and incomplete. Her whole world was dull and grey. But... when she met me... she felt complete. It's like she's a puzzle that is missing one, last piece... and I was that piece."

"So basically you were a tool to her." Budo said as he turned around and walked over to Taro.

"She was so obsessive of me... and... she treated me like a treasured possession. She kept caressing me, telling me how much she adores me, and kept telling me that I was all she needed and that you were nothing but an obstacle to 'our' love. That's why I turned away when you touched my cheek. I'm really sorry, Budo. I was just so scared that I was never going to see you again. I thought I was really going to become this psycho's... property." Taro started crying. Budo frowned, and pulled him into a hug. 

Budo placed his hand on Taro's head as Taro dug his face into his neck. "We should get you home. Your family is worried sick about you."

Taro sniffled and nodded in agreement. 

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