That One Scene In DEH From Multiple Perspectives

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This is dedicated to seriousitee for being such a great lawyer and an even better friend

♥ Evan ♥

Great. First day of senior year at a school I've gone to for three years, and I still have no friends. I mean, there is Jared. He may be a dick, but he's my dick. Wait- not like that. Never like that.

"So how does it feel to be the first person in history to break their arm from jer-"

"Jared, please don't." I interrupt him

"Well, how did you break your arm then?" Jared asks

"I was- well um. I was climbing a tree, and I- I fell." I answer

"You fell out of a tree? What are you, an acorn?" He laughs

"Well I don't know if you know this but um, I worked as an apprentice park ranger at Ellison state park this summer. I'm sort of a tree expert now. Not to brag but..." I trail off. Jared just stares at me. "Anyway, I tried to climb a forty foot tall oak tree."

"And you fell...?" He prompts

"Well y- yeah, except it's a funny story, because there was this solid ten minutes after I fell, when I was just laying there on the ground waiting for someone to come get me. Any second now, I kept telling myself. Any second now, here they come."

"And did they?" Jared asks, raising his eyebrows

"No. Nobody came. That's the- that's what's funny."

"Jesus Christ..."

"H- how was- what did you do for the- you had a good summer?" I stumble my way through the sentence.

"Well, my bunk totally dominated in capture the flag and I got to second-base-below-the-bra with this girl from Israel who's like going to be in the army or something... so, yeah, hopefully that answers your question." Jared says nonchalantly, turning to go.

"D- do you want to sign my cast?" I ask, stopping him in his tracks.

"Why are you asking me?" he scoffs

"Well- I just- because we're friends..." I trail off, seeing his expression.

"We're family friends. That's like, a whole different thing and you know it," Jared says, punching me not all that lightly in my arm. My broken arm.

"Hey, tell your mom I was nice to you or my parents won't pay for my car insurance." he reminds me.

"I- I will." I say. Just then Connor Murphy walks past us. Zoe Murphy's brother. I don't know him that well, or at all, except for that he threw a printer at Mrs. G in second grade. And that he's related to Zoe of course. He's kind of a loner, like me.

"Hey Connor, I'm loving the new hair length," Jared snarks at him. "Very school shooter chic." I give him a look that I hope says "Jared please be quiet, do you want a printer to the gut?" but probably just says "Aaaaa I'm panicking" Connor glares at him, and Jared takes a step back.

"I was kidding," he says defensively. "It was a joke."

"Yeah no, it was funny." Connor says, taking a step closer to Jared. "I'm laughing, can't you tell?' Am I not laughing hard enough for you?"

"You're such a freak." Jared says, and leaves. I'm not sure what to do, so I laugh, uncomfortable.

"What the fuck are you laughing at?" Connor says, turning to me.

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