Chapter 15

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Paige POV

I've been avoiding Ethan as much as possible. He did make me go to the police statement, which I do go to but with one of the Chauffeurs. 

Unfortunately Sara noticed and I brushed it off saying it was all in her head.

Thanksgivings came along. I didn't know how they celebrated here. Sara and I were in her room working on her homework. "Sara, I have some news. I have some business I have to do in New York, so we can go there on Thanksgiving. Isn't that fun?" Ethan asked her.

"Can Paige come?" She immediately asked.

"Yes I was about to ask her. Do you mind coming along and helping me with Sara." He asked.

"It's no problem." I said.

"Ok then it's settled. We leave tomorrow morning" he said and walked out the door.

"I don't want to go to New York." Sara grumbled.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Because I don't want to see Cali" she said. Neither do I. I thought.

I helped Sara pack and then I packed my own clothes.

The following morning we woke up really early and we made our way to New York City. On a private plane, I might add.

Apparently the Andersons had a town apartment on 5th Avenue. Of course they did. I thought these thing only happened in movies. A car picked us up and took us to their apartment. The place was huge. How is it possible that apartments where this big in New York?

Ethan left to work and Sara and I explored the City together. Central Park was right across the street. This city definitely had a little magic to it. We made or way to the Statue of Liberty and we went all the way up to the Empire State Building.

On Wednesday Ethan told us Cali was coming over for thanksgiving and that she was cooking. That sounded like a horrible idea.

On Thursday Sara and I woke up early and made it to the Macy's Day parade. Sara seemed to love it. We walked inside the apartment and Cali greeted us. "Hi honey!" She said as we opened the door. "Oh it's you two." She said.

"Where's Ethan?" Sara asked her.

"I don't know he said something about work." She said. Then she looked at me. "What are you doing here? What is the maid doing here? Shouldn't you be cleaning or something." She said.

"She isn't the maid. She's my nanny." Sara yelled at her.

"Same think kid. It doesn't ever matter. Things are going to change when I marry your brother anyway" she said.

"My brother wouldn't marry you." Sara said.

"Oh trust me he will." She spat at Sara and headed towards the kitchen. "You stupid brat! You made me burn my cookies!" She yelled at Sara. Cali rushes out into the kitchen with some cookies in her hand.

"She didn't do anything" I told her.

"Don't talk back to me. Your just a stupid babysitter" she spat at me.

"She's not a stupid babysitter." Sara yelled at her.

"Shut your mouth you stupid brat." When I marry your brother I'm going to send you to boarding school." She shoved the cookies in Sara's mouth. "That will keep you quiet." She said.

Sara spat the cookies out. "How dare you do that to Sara!" I yelled.

"Do what to Sara?" Ethan said walking inside.

"Nothing babe." Cali said.

I turned to Sara and she was turning red and she started coughing. " were there nuts in the cookies?" I asked Cali.

"What. I don't know what you mean." Cali said.

"Was there nuts in the cookies?!" I yelled at her.

"I don't know what your talking about" Cali played dumb.

I walked to Sara. "I can't... breathe" she said gasping.

"Oh my god! Sara!" She was fainting. I held on to her.

"Sara!" Ethan yelled.

"Ethan call 911!" I said. Ethan pulled out his phone and called 911.

"They're one their way! Sara. Breathe!" Ethan said starting to panic.

"Ethan. Ethan. Listen to me. I need you to hold Sara. I'm going to call the front desk and ask if they have an epipen" I said. Ethan nodded. I called the front desk and ask for an epipen, they said they had one and would bring it right up. I told them to hurry. I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and the concierge gave me the pen. "The ambulance is on their way. Please help them up" I told him and he nodded and went to inform the front.

Sara was turning purple. I opened the pen and injected it on her leg. Ethan was by Sara's side. She was barely breathing.

Just then the paramedics showed up. I explained the situation. They checked Sara's vitals and she had a weak pulse but told me I did a good job with the pen.

Ethan asked if we could both go in the ambulance. They said it was ok.

We made it to the Hosptal and they immediately treated Sara.

Ethan and I were in the waiting room and we didn't say a word. A nurse came out and said Sara was ok. "She's been asking for Paige" the nurse said.

I looked to Ethan. "Go ahead. I just got an alert on my phone. I'll head inside in a minute" I nodded and headed inside.

I saw Sara on the hospital bed. "Hey honey. How are you feeling" I asked her.

I sat by her side. "I've been better" Sara said.

"Of course you have." I said. Ethan walked inside and he looked mad. "Is everything ok?" I asked him.

"Great" he said. Something was up. "how are you feeling Sara?" He asked her.

"My throat hurts a little bit but I'm ok" she said.

Just then the doctor came in. "Sara Anderson" he said walking in looking at his tablet. He finally looked up and instantly recognized him.

"Kevin?" I said.

"Paige?" He said. I ran up to him and hugged him. "Oh my god. I can't believe it's you" he said hugging me back.

"I can't believe you did it. You because a doctor" I said.

"A pediatrician actually." He said.

Ethan cut in "well I'm glad your a doctor and all, but how's my sister.?" He asked in an angry tone.

"Oh right sorry. I'm Dr. Henderson. Sara here had allergic reaction. We had her on oxygen and took some tests and it seems like she's just fine. The paramedic said someone was clever enough to give her an epipen. That saved her life. She's going have to carry one around from now on and she need to be careful with nuts, but she's going to be ok." Kevin said.

"Thank you doc" I said to Kevin.

"No problem. I'm here if anyone has any questions." He said. "Paige I would love to catch up" he handed me a card. "I'll see you around in the hospital but I want to catch up." He said giving me his business card.

"I would too." I smiled at him.

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