Chapter 53

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Paige POV

Today was the day. Today was the day Ethan was going to marry Cali. It was all over the news because it was happening here in New York.

I was officially on maternity leave at school and I was watching tv in Kevin's apartment. I've had contractions all morning but I thought it was all in my head.

I'm sure they're just Braxton Hicks contracts. I can't be in labor just yet, I thought. Kevin said he was going to the grocery store to pick up a few things.

Ever since we started dating, Kevin changed drastically towards me. I felt like he expected more out of me now. I don't know. It's just hard to explain.

I felt like I had to be with him, because of everything he has done for me. I loved him but not in the way he wanted me to.

I shook the thought away and turned back to the tv. My contractions were getting more and more intense. No this can't be it. I was almost 8 months but it wasn't my time. It wasn't my baby's time.

I started pacing around the apartment. I would let Kevin know when he arrived.

Then I heard a knock on the door. Kevin probably forgot his keys. I opened the door and saw Ethan. "Ethan?" I asked him confused.

"Paige!" He said running inside and hugging me. I was confused. He released me.

Sara behind him. "Sara?" I said. She came running and hugged me with one arm. Her other arm was still in a cast.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked and saw Ethan was in a Tuxedo. Sara was wearing an adorable little white dress. "Aren't you supposed to be at your wedding?" I asked Ethan confused.

He was about to answer when I got a huge contraction and wrapped my arms around my stomach. "Oh my god. Paige are you ok?" Ethan asked standing at my side.

Then my water broke. "Oh no" I said.

"Paige did you just pee yourself?" Sara asked me.

"No. My water just broke. Oh no. I have to get to the hospital." I said.

"Our driver is here. Come on" Ethan said. I would protest but I couldn't put my baby in danger.

"I have to get my bag." I said.

"I'll get it." Ethan said. "Where is it?"

"It's in my room. The room on the right. Inside the closet on the very top shelf. I have a diaper bag there" I said.

Ethan ran into the room. "What's going on Paige?" Sara asked me.

"What's going on is that I'm going to have my baby." I said to Sara.

She immediately smiled "am I going to be an auntie?" She asked me.

I smiled back at her and nodded. "You are." I replied.

"Yay" she said hugging me once again and I hugged her back.

Ethan walked out of the room with the diaper bag.

"Let's go." He said.

"No I have to call Kevin." I said.

"You can call him in the car" he mumbled looking a bit upset and helped me down the stairs.

We got into Ethan's SUV and he told the driver to take us to the hospital.

I sat in the backseat and Ethan held my hand. My contractions were more frequent now. I timed them and they were 5 min apart. I called Kevin but he didn't answer. I decided to send him a text message saying that I was on my way to the hospital.

We finally arrived to the hospital. I was immediately taken to the maternity ward and was placed in a room. Sara stayed in the waiting area with Ethan's driver.

I was lying down on the bed with an IV on my right hand. Ethan was in the room with me sitting in a chair to my left. "Ethan you don't have to be in here. Kevin should be here soon" I said.

My response seemed to have upset Ethan. "There's no way I'm leaving. You're about to have my baby" he said.

I was instantly in shock. My eyes grew wide as I sat on the Hosptal bed. "Your baby?" I asked him. Wait a second he said his baby. How? Does he remember?

"Yes my baby" he replied. "Paige I know you hate me right now. Believe me, I hate myself even more." He sighed. "I don't expect you to forgive me. I've hurt you so much Paige. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but please let me be here. Let me be here for the birth of our baby" he said looking at me.

I immediately burst into tears. "Do you... Do you..." I tried to say.

"Yes I remember. I finally remembered everything." He said. I looked down in him. He was sitting on the chair next to me and held my hand. "Paige I don't even know where to start..." he said.

I closed my eyes "Don't Ethan. I can't. I can't right now. We can talk later, right now I need to focus on my baby." I said.

He sighed "I know you do." He said.

The doctor then came in and I released my hand from his. "Hello Paige how are you feeling?" He asked me.

"I'm doing ok. A little tired" I said.

"As Expected, as you know" I nodded. "Ok I'm going to do a quick check up on you and the baby" he said I nodded and allowed him to do a thorough check up. "Well you 9 cm right now. You're almost there. The a babies heartbeat sounds ok. We tried contacting Kevin but we didn't have any luck. He was going to be the pediatrician receiving your baby right?" The obstetrician asked me.

"Yes he is. I haven't been able to get in touch with him either" I sighed.

"That's odd. We know Kevin really wanted to be here." He said.

"I know." I sighed.

"Don't worry we have another pediatrician on standby." The doctor told me. "You're almost fully dilated so I'm going to call her up" he told me.

"Ok. Thanks, doctor." I replied.

"No problem." He replied. "Well I'm going to gear up now. Your baby will be here soon" he said.

"Ok thank you." I replied.

The doctor smiled at me and started prepping for the babies birth.

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